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Jone is an engineer who lives in dubai.

the has a project for the city of dubai, a new town in which waiting who are his friends and his family. the ubra this this charge of the engineer mat chat. Jone wants that with this project dubai grows, protruding anivel world, his large Palm tree project aims to attract more tourism. close of 15000000 tourists travelling to dubai. Jone buy a new House for his family, which looks out over the sea, a wonderful source on the balcony and pool which I liked asu mother. Sheikh amojame Rashi tube a bision mas alla of the large Palm tree the wanted to represent the world creating their continents or islands more greats, such as PARIS, CAROLINA, new YORK and RIO DE JANEIRO. But that was little tourist and decided to make small islands so if who would like their own buy space their small island. and your project manager is binsul allen who has to coordinate several factors. also built an commercial centre, the works of this grades are based on constructions of Iraq

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