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RESISTANCE TO CHANGE Consist of any employee behaviors designed to discredit, delay or prevent the implementation of the work change.

NATURE AND EFFECTS The perceived threat stemming from change may be real or imagined , intended or unintended,direct or indirect, large or small. Their actions may range from complaints, foot-dragging,and passive resistance to absenteeism, sabotage, and work slowdown. Employee tend to resist change because of the psychic cost that accompany it .Resistance to change does not respect either type of dress or job. Although people tend to resist change this tendency is offset by their desire for new for experiences and for the rewards that come with change. One lesson management is that change is likely to be either a success or a problem. Chain reaction is a situation in which a change or other conditions , that directly affects only one persons or a few persons may lead to a direct or indirect reaction from many people even hundreds or thousands because of their mutual interest in it. REASONS FOR RESISTANCE Nature of the Change Method used Perceptions of Inequity TYPES OF RESISTANCE Logical Resistance -This is based on disaggreement with facts, rational reasoning ,logic and science . Psychological Resistance-This is typically base on emotions sentiments and attitudes. Sociological resistance-Also logical ,when it is seen as a product of a challenge to group interest ,norms and values. REPORTED BY: CHARLENE P. FAJARTIN

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