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Competition in Education
Help me better understand Korean education. With a partner, fill in the table with
the correct information.

Age of students
Subjects studied
How you graduate


Middle school

High school


With a partner/group discuss the following questions

1.) What do you remember about elementary/middle/high school?

2.) Did you like the schools you went to? The teachers? Your classmates?
Why or why not?

American Culture
Competition in Education

3.) Were you a good student? How/why?

4.) Can you remember what sort of methods the teachers used to teach you?

5.) Did your parents try to get you to study more? How? Did it work?

6.) Do you remember a lot of contests? or competitive games/activities?

7.) Do you feel that Korean Education encourages competition? Why/why
a. How about cooperation?

8.) Do you believe that Korean Culture encourages Education and invests a
lot of money in Education?
9.) Do you feel that Korean Education is among the best in the world?
a. What about Korean Universities?
b. How about Korean Students?

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