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IES Libertas. Torrevieja.

Departamento de Ingls
must, mustnt
1. Rules in our school. What must you do and what mustnt you do in our school? Choose must or
Example: You must obey your teacher.
a. You listen to the teachers.
b. You eat inside the class.
c. You bring your mobile telephone to the school.
d. You ask for permission to go to the toilet.
e. You do your homework everyday.
f. You look at your book in an exam.
g. You go out to the playground during the breaks.
h. You run in the corridors.
2. Translate into English:
Example: Debes prestar atencin en clase. You must pay attention in class.
a. No debes llegar tarde.
b. Debo coger el autobs?
c. No debemos tirar basura al suelo.
d. Debes estudiar todos los das.
e. Debis ir a casa antes de las diez.
f. No debo traer el mvil a clase.
g. Debemos ayudar a nuestros compaeros?
3. Correct the errors:
Example: They mustnt to smoke. They mustnt smoke.
a. He must goes home now.
b. I mustnt making noise.
c. Do I must be quiet? ?
d. She musts do her homework.
e. We dont must phone from the office.
f. I mustnt writing in the book.
g. We must to go shopping.
1 E. S. O. 1

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