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When the Student Teaching Field Folio was assigned I thought it was going to be fairly difficult, especially when

it came to finding artifacts. Once I began looking through pieces of evidence, I realized it was quite the opposite. Over the course of this semester, I have created many lessons, participated in various extracurricular activities, and attended many seminars that made finding evidence easy, however, time consuming in that decisions had to be made on what artifacts to include in the Folio. Looking back at work from the beginning of the semester was interesting to see a progression into the teacher I am now. In some of my earlier lessons the thought processes and activities were strictly geared towards the content. It has now gradually evolved into focusing on higher-level thinking, necessary skills, and are geared towards my students. Through my Education courses and being in the field I can see the necessary progression to ensure I am prepared for the future. The College of Education challenges students to be critical on what aspects should be stressed in the classroom and helps us understand what type of teacher we are. The evidence I included in my Field Folio demonstrates this progression to a full extent. It was an eye opening experience to see how far I have come in my teaching and I still am not to the end result. The Student Teaching Field Folio was an excellent reflection assignment and got me thinking about what direction I want to take in my teaching. The various artifacts that are included in the folders show that I understand what it takes to become the best possible teacher and that I am on the correct path towards this achievement.

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