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Auguste and Louis Lumire

Auguste and Louis Lumire are considered the inventors of the first video camera and the first movie projector. In fact, the first device was used both for film and projection by adjusting a light source. In 1895, the world's first commercial movie screening takes place at the Grand Cafe in Paris. The film was made by the Lumiere brothers who developed a camera-projector called the Cinematographe. Their work consisted mainly of moving images from scenes of everyday life. Ironically as we look back in comparison to what film has developed into today, the Lumiere Brothers believed it to be a medium without a future as they suspected that people would be bored of images that they could just as easily see by walking out into the street. However, their film sequence of a train pulling into the station reportedly had audiences screaming and ducking for cover as they believed that the train itself was about to plow into the theater. The two men are a perfect model for collaboration between brothers,.they are the leaders of a photographic material factories in Lyon and are the models of perseverance for improving the cinema.

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