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Vocabulary Terms 1. Prerequisite: Something that you officially must have or do before you can have or do something 2.

Acute: quick to become severe/bad 3. Diagnosis: medical explanation of an illness or condition 4. External: on the outside 5. Inflamed: appearance (red and swollen) of an injured body part 6. Internal: under the skin, inside the organs 7. Ward: a section of a hospital or health facility where patients stay 8. Intensive care unit: the part of the hospital where you are admitted to stay if you need continuous monitoring or continuous care 9. Alumni: people who have graduated from the institution 10. Bachelors Degree: this is the undergraduate degree offered by four-year colleges and universities 11. Major: A students chosen field of study. It usually requires the successful completion of a specified number of credit hours. 12. Minor: A minor is designated as a specific number of credit hours in a secondary field of study. 13. Transcript: a permanent academic record of a student at college. 14. Rehabilitate: to bring (someone or something) back to normal, healthy condition after an illness, injury, drug problem, etc. 15. Vocational: relating to the special skills, training, etc., that you need for a particular job or occupation 16. Commuter: a student who lives off-campus and drives to class 17. Syllabus: an outline of the important information about a course 18. ACT and SAT: (American College Test and the Scholastic Aptitude Test) Both tests are designed to measure a students level of knowledge in basic areas. 19. HIPAA: the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. The primary goal of the law is to make it easier for people to keep health insurance, protect the confidentiality and security of healthcare information ad help the healthcare industry control administrative costs. 20. OSHA: occupational safety and Health Administration is a federal organization that ensures safe and healthy working conditions for Americans by enforcing standards and providing workplace safety training. 21. Bacteria: a disease-causing organism 22. Critical condition: requiring immediate and constant medical attention 23. Family history: medical background of a persons family members 24. Contraindications: a condition or factor that serves as a reason to withhold a certain medical treatment 25. Pharmacology: the science of drugs

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