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Brain 101: How to Play the Brain Game for Fun and ProfitL. Michael Hall, Ph.D.

The Brain Game How Do e !un "ur "wn Brain# $o you want to run your own %rain# Good for you. hat a wonderful o%&ecti'e( )nd *o rare. Many +eo+le tal, a%out runnin- their own %rain and ta,in- char-e of their own mind, %ut &u*t watch them when critici.ed or in*ulted. They -o to +iece*. Let one of their clo*ely held %elief* %e /ue*tioned, and watch out. $udden it %ecome* *emantic reaction time. They e0+lode with ra-e, an-er, *tre**, fear, *hoc,, etc. 1f they truly 2run their own %rain*,2 how i* it that they lac, *tate mana-ement *,ill* in the moment* when mana-in- one3* reaction* really count*# !unnin- our own %rain, and thin,in- freely in inde+endent way* a+art from reha*hin- worn4out or *+oon fed thou-ht* nece**itate* *e'eral thin-*. 1t nece**itate* that we de'elo+ mindfulne** a%out our %rain* 5or more accurately, our mind*6 *o that we actually de'elo+ *tate mana-ement *,ill*. 1t mean* we learn to +lay a new Game, The 2!unnin- My "wn Brain2 Game. $o, with that in mind: hat do you need to under*tand a%out %rain* to %e a%le to run your*# ould you li,e to +lay the Brain Game# $7879 B!)19 F):T$ Here are *e'en thin-* a%out your %rain. They +ro'ide a de*cri+tion a%out how %rain* wor,. They al*o e*ta%li*h an under*tandin- of the Game of !unnin- ;our "wn Brain and *o lead to the !ule* of the Game. <1: Brain* Follow Direction* Brain* follow direction*. They ta,e the direction* that you -i'e them and they follow them. 2=ohn, did you *ee that red, white and %lue cat ye*terday# ;e*, red, white and %lue# in fact, the )merican Fla- color* were %ri-ht red, white, and %lue. $omeone in the nei-h%orhood mu*t ha'e thou-ht it would %e a +atriotic thin- to do. here did 1 *ee it# "n Linda3* yellow car. 1t wa* %ein- cha*ed %y a +air of French Poodle* acro** the -reen%elt %y the *wimmin- +ool. That wa* &u*t %efore >in- >on- clim%ed to the to+ of the *chool and %eat hi* che*t at the circlin- +lane.2 Pro'ide a little de*cri+tion and the %rain -oe* to wor, re+re*entin- the information on our internal mental *creen. Li,e a mo'ie director, %rain* u*e the information a* in*truction* for our mental :inema. Thi* e0+lain* why the followin- are 'ery im+ortant /ue*tion* for our *tate*: hat direction* are you -i'in- your %rain# hat are the default in*truction* that you3'e learned to -i'e your %rain# hat in*truction* did your +arent* or teacher* +ro'ide you a%out your*elf, life, other*, etc.# How u*eful, ecolo-ical, healthy, %alanced, 'alua%le, true, etc. are tho*e in*truction*# Do tho*e in*truction* create em+owerin- *tate* for you# ould you want to -i'e tho*e in*truction* to your children# Do they ma+ out an e0citin- and lo'in- life# hy are the*e /ue*tion* *o im+ortant# Becau*e the /uality of our li'e* i* a function of the /uality of the information +roce**ed %y our %rain. The /uality of that information flow* from the /uality of it* in*truction*. The mo*t im+ortant thinyou do in life then are the in*truction* that you -i'e your %rain. )re the in*truction* tho*e that you would u*e to create a world4cla** mo'ie# !ecently a youn- man wrote to me. 213m an e0tremely *hy +er*on. hen 1 *ee a *ocial *ituation, 1 a'oid it %ecau*e 1 *ay to my*elf that 13ll ha'e nothin- to *ay and that 13ll %e a com+lete idiot %ecau*e they will find me %orin-, then 13ll feel de+re**ed. $o 1 &u*t don3t -o. 7'ery time 1 ma,e a mi*ta,e, 1 feel *tu+id, then de+re**ed. )nd that3* what cau*e* me to +rocra*tinate. 1t3* really *tu+id, and 1 ,now %etter, and 1 *ee it cau*in- me to +roduce *u%4o+timally. 1 feel li,e the*e are in*urmounta%le +ro%lem*....2 1 co+ied the word* from the email, cut and +a*ted them %ac, into my re+ly. 1 then a*,ed him to *te+ %ac, from the word* and 'iew them a* %rain in*truction*. 2=u*t +retend for a moment that the*e are in*truction* for your %rain. )re the*e idea* healthy or *ic, one*# ould you recommend thi* way of thin,in-# $u++o*e the mo*t +o+ular ,id at the uni'er*ity thou-ht thi* way. How much of a +arty would the*e in*truction* ma,e hi* or her life#2 There3* a +rinci+le in thi*. 9amely, feed your %rain to0ic idea* and you enter into a to0ic world. ;our %rain will -o there %ecau*e that3* what %rain* do. Brain* -o +lace*. =u*t thi* wee, 1 cau-ht a Brain 5than, God it wa*n3t mine6 -oin- to 2 or*t :a*e $cenario(2 The +er*on wa* tal,in- a%out terrori*m in the world. He then entertained unima-ina%le *cenario*. Then he frea,ed out. Then he *aid, 2Thi* *houldn3t ha++en(2 )nd 1 can tell you, the*e in*truction* did not +ut him in a 'ery re*ourceful *tate. Brain* u*e word*, +icture*, *ound*, tone*, 'olume*, *mell*, ta*te*, all ,ind* of thin-* a* the %a*i* for *wi*hin- u* +lace*. Mention a word and off your %rain -oe*. But where# 1t de+end* on your learnin- hi*tory, e0+erience*, memorie*, ima-ination*, ho+e*, etc. Brain* are +henomenal at lin,in- thin-*. They do *o 'ery, 'ery /uic,ly. )ctually, thi* i* one of the chief +ro%lem* we ha'e with our %rain*. The +ro%lem i* not that they don3t learn, %ut that they learn too /uic,ly. 1t3* &u*t what they learn that often time* i* &u*t not true or u*eful. Brain* are al*o incredi%le in*trument* that ne'er *hut down. 7'en in *lee+, we dream a* %rain wa'e acti'ity continue*. Thi* %ecome* a +ro%lem if we don3t -i'e the %rain lot* of intere*tin- thin-* to +roce**. The *timulu* hun-er of %rain* will tri--er them to +lay the old B4rated mo'ie* or hallucinate freely. <?: Brain* 70ternali.e 1n*truction*

e can *ee a +er*on3* internal world of idea* and frame* %y noticin- the +er*on3* e0ternal Game*. 70ternal life reflect* internal frame*. The %eha'ioral, *+eech, and action Game* that we +lay on the out*ide are e0+re**ion* of our internal frame* of mind. They -o to-ether. Game* and !ule* of the Game*. The old +ro'er% +ut it thi* way: 2)* a man thin,* in hi* heart, *o i* he.2 The !oman +hilo*o+her Marcu* )ureliu* +ut thi* yet another way: 2)* thy thou-ht* are *o will thy mind %e al*o@ for the *oul ta,e* it* colorin- from thou-ht.2 21f you are +ained %y an e0ternal thin-, it i* not thi* thin- that di*tur%* you#%ut your &ud-ment a%out it.2 5The Meditation*, 1A0 )D6. Brain* manife*t internal re+re*entation into the e0ternal world *o that we e0ternali.e our internal frame* and re+re*entation*. hat doe* thi* mean# 9amely, that our e0ternal world will only %e a* e0citin-, 'i%rant, dramatic, and +owerful a* our internal frame* of mind. $o, a* you decorate your internal world of mind, ima-ination, and memory with ho+e*, de*ire*, wonder*, deli-ht*, etc., you alter the /uality and content of the in*truction* that you -i'e to your %rain. Thi* %rin-* u+ *e'eral e0cellent /ue*tion* for tho*e of u* who want to run our own %rain to create a /uality life: hat ,ind of ima-e*, *ound*, word*, *en*ation*, etc. do you ha'e runnin- on the in*ide of your %rain# hat ,ind of internal mo'ie* are you *howin- in the :inema of your Mind# ho doe* your interior decoratin-# Doe* your internal world of frame* need *ome %etter interior decoratin-# <B: Brain* !un on !e+re*entation* The co-niti'e and neuro4*cience* ha'e di*co'ered that %rain* re+re*ent our e0ternal *en*ed e0+erience*. 1t i* not that we literally ha'e an internal mo'ie *creen in our mind, yet it *eem* that we do. Thi* +henomena of con*ciou*ne** i* how we e0+erience thou-ht* and awarene**3*. 1t *eem* that we internally recall what our home, car, wor,, friend*, +arent*, do-*, etc. loo, li,e, *ound li,e, *mell li,e, feel li,e, ta*te li,e. Thi* *en*ory awarene** on the in*ide of our %rain ha* led neuro4 *cienti*t* to de*i-nate +art* of the %rain the 'i*ual corte0, auditory corte0, the corte0 where we +roce** *mell*, ta*te*, *en*ation*, %alance, etc. >or.y%*,i and other* noted that we o+erate u+on the world, not directly, %ut 'ia a ma+ of the world. 1n 9LP, Bandler and Grinder re'olutioni.ed +*ycholo-y %y +uttin- the foundation of thou-ht in term* of the *en*ory re+re*entation* *y*tem* and u*in- the*e modalitie* of awarene** a* the fir*t 2lan-ua-e*2 of the mind. Thi* facet of runnin- our own %rain *eem* *o *im+le, yet it i* *o +rofound. 1f we +icture a %eautiful day with %lue *,y and %illowy white cloud* and a -reen -ra** lawn facin- the white *and* of a -or-eou* ocean 'iew and ima-ine feelin- the warm ocean %ree.e %lowin- throu-h our hair and the *mell of the *alt water and the *ound* of children +layin- and en&oy our fa'orite drin, while -ettin- a nec, and %ac, ma**a-e from our *+ecial lo'ed one ... ell, it doe*n3t ta,e lon- %efore our %ody and neurolo-y re*+ond* to tho*e re+re*entation* a* if they were in*truction* a%out how to feel. Becau*e %rain* run on re+re*entation*, the more e0+re**i'e, 'i'id, dramatic, and *en*ory4*+ecific, the ea*ier it i* for u* to tell our %rain* where to -o and what to feel. Then the *creen +lay i* clearer and ea*ier to follow. "ur %rain* re+re*ent thin-* a* it were on a mental *creen of the mind. 1t3* li,e there3* an internal mo'ie +layin- and we fill in the *en*ory detail* of that mo'ie. "f cour*e, we do not +lay out e'erythin- in that :inema. e can3t. e can3t e'en in+ut all that come* in. "ur eye* only *can a 'ery narrow +art of the electroma-netic *+ectrum. "ur ear* only recei'e a 'ery narrow %and of *ound wa'e fre/uencie*. $o we ha'e to %e +retty *electi'e, a* a mo'ie director, a%out what we +lay on our internal :inema. :hoo*e well. 1t3* your %rain. <C: Brain* Tran*ition 1n and "ut of the Pre*ent Moment ith that la*t induction 5three +ara-ra+h* a%o'e6, did you lea'e where you are now and -o *omewhere el*e# 1f you didn3t, +erha+* you could u*e the word* to do that. Try it out. Becau*e we re+re*ent thin-*, we can re+re*ent realitie* that are not immediately +re*ent and -o there. Thi* i* the foundation of all day4dreamin-, ni-ht4dreamin-, fanta*, learnin-, creati'ity, in'ention, thin,in-,,,, etc. Thi* i* what we human* do %e*t. e can lea'e our current *ituation and tra'el to di*tance +lace*, time*, and world*. e call thi* thin,in-. 1t3* al*o hy+no*i*. 1t3* al*o trance. 1t3* many thin-*: ima-ination, fanta*y, creati'ity, and hallucination. Thi* mean* that we are not *tuc, or limited to hi* +re*ent moment. e can re+re*ent thin-* not +re*ent, ne'er +re*ent, and e'en im+o**i%le thin-*. hat freedom of mind we ha'e( 1t3* a freedom of con*ciou*ne** that3* uni/ue to our *+ecie*. e ha'e a con*ciou*ne** that can tran*ition from our current *tate to other *tate*, hence the word 2trance.2 )nytime we *hift our awarene** to *omethin- that i* not +art of our current awarene**, we enter a trance *tate. Thi* mean* that mo*t of our *tate* of mind are trance*. e mo*tly li'e in hy+notic *tate* not *en*ory aware *tate* in thi* +re*ent moment. Hy+no*i* i* the norm, our default *ituation, not +re*ent time *en*ory acuity. e call hy+no*i* or trance 2downtime2 in 9LP %ecau*e we are down in*ide our*el'e* thin,in-, feelin-, and e0+eriencin- other time*, +lace*, +eo+le, and idea*. e call +re*ent time *en*ory acuity 2u+time2 %ecau*e we are 2u+2 and noticin- what our eye* *ee, ear* hear, *,in feel*, etc. 2Hey, Tom( Tom, 7arth to Tom(2 2 hat#2 "ur %rain* lo'e to .one out. Doe*n3t your*# 1t ha++en* when you dri'e on lon- tri+*, it ha++en* e'en when you dri'e to the -rocery *tore. 1t ha++en* when you wait in line, in an ele'ator, and when you3re li*tenin- to a *+eech. Brain* do that. 1t3* no %i- deal. ell, it3* not unle** you ha'e no -uidance or control o'er it. Then it i* a %i- deal. 1f you lac, awarene** of

when you are +re*ent and when you3re off on *ome mind4tri+, then you are doin- out4of4control hallucinatin-. e all hallucinate. Tho*e who do *o mindfully and %y choice are our -reate*t *cholar*, in'entor*, creator*, de*i-ner*, teacher*, :7"*, etc. Tho*e who don3t do it %y choice *uffer from under4achie'in- and the ineffecti'ene** of not %ein- a%le to mana-e their own mind. They don3t run their own %rain*. <D: Brain* 1nduce $tate* Brain* +ut u* into neurolo-ical *tate*. They affect our +hy*iolo-y, %reathin-, mo'ement, and internal chemi*try. To wor, u+ a -ood mad, we only ha'e to thin, an-ry thou-ht* of in&u*tice and 'iolation. e only ha'e to thin, a%out a dan-erou* threat and off we -o into a fear *tate. )nd *ome re+re*entation* of *e0uality can induce our %ody to e0+erience de*ire and lu*t. Brain* do thi* %ecau*e they are +art of the %ody. They *it at the to+ of the *+inal cord and ner'ou* *y*tem and %rin- in all of the ner'ou* im+ul*e* +roce**ed %y the end rece+tor*. "ut of the *tructure of our multi4layered %rain* emer-e our *en*e of awarene** we call 2mind.2 Mind i* an emer-ent +ro+erty in the neurolo-y of our %rain. $o it i* alway* mind4%ody or %ody4mind, and ne'er one without the other. Thi* e0+lain* why we mo*tly thin, or re+re*ent our*el'e* into our *tate* %ut why we al*o can act our way into *tate*. Thi* -i'e* u* two royal road* into a mind4%ody *tate of con*ciou*ne** whether it i* confidence and &oy and lo'e or fear, an-er, and *adne**. e can u*e mind and all of our internal re+re*entation* and we can u*e %ody 5%reathin-, +o*ture, mo'ement, acti'ity, etc.6. hat *tate are you in# hat *tate do you -o into when any -i'en *timulu* or tri--er occur*# ;ou need loo, no further than the in*truction* you -i'e your*elf at the mental dimen*ion or what you do in term* of your +o*ture, mu*cle ten*ion, %reathin-, etc. at the +hy*iolo-ical dimen*ion. <A: Brain* Go in :ircle* 9ot only do our %rain* re+re*ent the world, -o +lace*, and +ut u* into *tate*, %ut %rain* al*o do fli+*, they roll o'er, they fli+ %ac, on them*el'e*, they -o in circle*. )* there are feed forward and feed%ac, loo+* in the +hy*ical *tructure of the %rain *o that ner'ou* im+ul*e* are *ent to the thalamu* and the amy-dala they are *imultaneou*ly +a**ed on to the e*corted and after +roce**in- there %ac, to the lower %rain *tructure*. 1t3* all inter4connected. e e'en ha'e an a**ociati'e corte0 that ,ee+* e'erythin- connected with e'erythin- el*e *o that we ha'e more cortical connection* in the three trillion %rain cell* than atom* in the uni'er*e. 9o wonder we loo+ around. 9o wonder we can worry a%out our humor and wonder if we are carin- too much and then %ecome afraid of our worry and then thin, *omethin- mu*t %e wron- with u* that we are worry a%out *omethin- *o *illy a* that. e -et cau-ht u+ in down *+iral* of ne-ati'e thou-ht* and can %ecome o%*e**i'e com+ul*i'e. e can -et cau-ht u+ in +o*iti'e *+iral of thou-ht* and *uffer from in*omnia due to our e0citement. "ur %rain* are not *trictly lo-ical. To thin, in a *trai-htforward way and to *tay on that +ath for more than a few *econd* i* 'ery difficult for our %rain*. That3* why mathematic* and formal lo-ic *eem *o forei-n to u*. 1t3* not the natural ha%it of our mind. e thin, in circle*. "ur %rain* -o around in loo+* and *+iral*. e ,ee+ re+roce**in- the *ame tired old thou-ht*. Thi* refle0i'ity i* what allow* u* to layer thou-ht u+on thou-ht, feelin- u+on feelin-, thou-ht u+on feelin-, memory u+on ima-ination, fear u+on an-er, dread u+on worry, &oy u+on learnin-, etc. Thi* create* the whole domain of our meta4*tate*# our *tate* of thou-ht* and feelin-* a%out other thou-ht* and feelin-*. )nd that3* what create* the layerin- effect of our awarene** *o that we can create -reat com+le0ity in our e0+erience*. e %e-in with a reference e0+erience, %rin- it in and re+re*ent it, then de'elo+ thou-ht* and feelin-* a%out that, and *o on until what wa* 2out there2 %ecome* a frame of reference, a frame of mind and then the 'ery framewor,* of four +er*onality and orientation. Thi* create* the !ule* of the Game, or our hi-he*t frame* of mind. <E: Brain* Frame Thin-* Thi* i* one of the -reate*t +ower* of our %rain for health and *anity and for in*anity and de*tructi'ene**. "ur %rain* frame. They do *o to create conte0tual meanin-. Thin-*, e'ent*, +eo+le, e'en word* do not mean anythin- in and of them*el'e*. 1t ta,e* a %rain to create meanin-, a 2thin-2 that doe* not e0i*t out there %ut i* a +roduction of the %rain. )ctually, the %rain create* two le'el* of meanin-. )**ociati'e meanin- ari*e* when we lin, u+ one thin- with another thin-. hat doe* a coo,ie mean# 1t de+end* on what you ha'e a**ociated with a coo,ie. 1t could mean a *weet or &un, food. 1t could mean reward or lac, of nutrition. 1t could mean deli-ht and fun, it could mean threat to my diet. 1t could mean *ur'i'al, it could mean fat. Becau*e %rain* lin, idea*, ima-e*, feelin-*, etc., thin-* ea*ily %ecome a**ociated. Thi* create* tri--er* or anchor*. "ne thin- 5a *i-ht, *ound, *en*ation, word, etc.6 tri--er* another thin-. $timulu*# !e*+on*e. 1n thi* way we create *tructure* of the mind that we call under*tandin-* or ,nowled-e. The*e are not 2thin-*,2 %ut or-ani.ation* of a**ociation*#how we ha'e *e/uenced or ordered the frame* in our mo'ie*. hat doe* an 2authority fi-ure2 mean# here doe* your %rain -o when you thin, a%out an 2authority fi-ure#2 hat *tate doe* it e'o,e# Plea*ant or un+lea*ant# !e*ourceful or unre*ourceful# =u*t thou-ht* ... connected in your %rain to memorie*, awarene**3*, meanin-*. Then there i* conte0tual or frame meanin-. "nce we ha'e lin,ed u+ and a**ociated thin-* and %rin- that a**ociation into our mind a* our frame of reference, we de'elo+ hi-her le'el thou-ht* a%out it. e call the*e idea* 2conce+t*.2 1n thi* way we now loo, at thin-* throu-h a conce+tual frame of mind. 1t %ecome* a filter. e call them meta4*tate* and meta4 +ro-ram*. Thi* e*ta%li*he* a mental conte0t for thin,in- and feelin-. Thi* i* how we turn a**ociation* into hi-her le'el

ma+*. Doin- *o e*ta%li*he* the mental !ule* of the Game* that we then +lay. e fir*t a**ociate a har*h tone of 'oice with %ein- *+an,ed. Later we de'elo+ idea* and conce+t* that +eo+le who *train their 'ocal chord* are mean, hurtful, and na*ty. Then we de'elo+ hi-her frame* that 2critici*m i* %ad,2 2confrontation alway* ruin* thin-*,2 213m *en*iti'e to critici*m,2 21 cannot handle that tone of 'oice,2 etc. The*e thou-ht* create the hi-her frame* of mind a%out an e'ent and *emantically load that e'ent. $o when *omeone *train* the 'ocal chord*, the meanin-* 1 e0+erience in relation to that e'ent +ut* me into 'ery unre*ourceful *tate*. )ll of thi* ha++en* *o /uic,ly that on the in*ide it *eem* li,e and feel* li,e 2the critici*m2 5or har*h tonality6 ma,e* me u+*et, an-ry, or fru*trated. Thi* i* how we *et u+ and +lay the Game* that we do. Brain* deal with data o'erload %y ma,in- -enerali.ation*. They create cate-orie* for item*@ they or-ani.e thin-* into -rou+*. Thi* allow* u* to de'elo+ conte0tual meanin-* from our frame*, -i'in- u* an e'en hi-her way to inter+ret thin-*. 2"h, that3* &u*t information. Good. For a minute 1 thou-ht that wa* critici*m.2 How we cate-ori.e a thin- determine* what it 2i*2 to u*# in our neurolo-y. ;et a* we frame, *o we %ecome. hat we or-ani.e on the in*ide, in4form* u*. e are all +*ycholo-ically or-ani.ed %y our %elief frame, 'alue frame*, identity frame*, deci*ion frame*, etc. )nd the thin- a%out the %rain framin- i* that a* we frame, *o we +lay the frame -ame* that we do. H" T" PL); TH7 B!)19 G)M7 9ow that you ,now a%out %rain* 5mind*6, what they do and how they wor,, you3re ready to +lay the Brain Game. Thi* i* the !unnin- ;our "wn Brain Game, one of the ori-inal 'i*ion* of 9LP. ith 9euro4$emantic* we ta,e thi* e'en further to run our own %rain at the hi-he*t le'el* of the mind 5The $ecret* of Per*onal Ma*tery F..GBoo,*GPer*onalHMa*tery.htmI, ?0006. !ule <1: Juality :ontrol ;our Brain3* 1n*truction*. :on*ider anythin- that i*n3t To+49otch Juality for your Brain a* )%*urd. Did 1 mention that %rain* are *tu+id# )t lea*t in one *en*e they are 'ery *tu+id, in the a*+ect of /uality. 1n that area, they are le** intelli-ent than *tomach*. !eally. )fter all, if we feed our *tomach -ar%a-e, it at lea*t ,now* how to 'omit. 9ot *o the %rain. Feed it -ar%a-e and it doe*n3t thin, twice, it &u*t +roce**e* the -ar%a-e. Feed it to0ic idea*, +oi*onou* thou-ht*, limitin- %elief*, irrational conclu*ion*, and inaccurate ma++in- and it doe*n3t ,now any %etter than to re+re*ent it, a**ume it i* real, and then %elie'e it. Brain* them*el'e* are not di*criminatin- a%out /uality, at lea*t not near a* much a* the *tomach. hether the information i* accurate, u*eful, true, +roducti'e, hurtful, *tu+id, etc., it doe*n3t *eem to matter. $o, -i'en thi* *tu+idity of %rain*, we ha'e to ta,e char-e of the Juality :ontrol of the information we feed it. e call thi* 2runnin- an ecolo-y chec,.2 !eality te*t the 'alue, health, and %alance of an idea in the whole *y*tem of your %ody, relation*hi+*, ener-y, etc. Thi* i* the fir*t !ule of the Game. 1f you don3t do thi*, +re+are your*elf for trou%le %ecau*e trou%le, +ro%lem*, ill4health, incon-ruent, *a%ota-e, conflict, etc. you will -et. Thi* Brain Game !ule *ay*, 2)nythin- that doe* not create +er*onal +ower, health, %alance, &oy, com+a**ion, wealth, lo'e, etc. i* a%*urd.2 Do you +lay the Game of Life %y that rule# 1 hi-hly recommend it. :on*ider anythin- that your %rain +roduce* in your %ody, emotion*, *+eech, %eha'ior, relation*hi+* that +ut* you in con*tant conflict, that ,ee+* re+eatin- +attern* that don3t wor,, that create* incon-ruity, ineffecti'ene**, unre*ourcefulne**, etc. a* a%*urd. Then *to+ it( 1f you follow thi* fir*t rule, your life will +ro%a%ly radically chan-e and tran*form in a matter of wee,*. Thi* i* an e0tremely +owerful and +er'a*i'e !ule. 1f what you are doin-, whether in communication to your*elf or other*, whether in relation*hi+ to your wor,, career, relation*hi+*, health, etc. i* not wor,in- a* an on-oin- +attern, $T"P. To ,ee+ re+eatin- lon- term +attern* that don3t wor, while ho+in- for different re*ult* i* a +ractical definition of 2in*anity.2 1t i* a%*olutely ludicrou* to ,ee+ re+layin- the old mo'ie* of hurt and +ain in the theater of your mind. a*n3t once enou-h# 1t3* ludicrou* %ecau*e while the fir*t time it ha++en to you, after that fir*t time you ha'e %een doin- it to your*elf( 1t3* your %rain doin- it. 1t3* not ha++enin- 2out there2 anymore. 1f you3re *till watchin- that B4rated mo'ie, and you are the director of the mo'ie. Juality control your thin,in-, hi-her frame* of mind, %elief*, *tate*, etc. Doe* thi* enhance my life o'er the lon-4run# Doe* thi* em+ower me a* a +er*on# Doe* thi* ma,e life a +arty# Thi* !ule will radically challen-e e'ery%ody *till whinin- o'er childhood ache* and +ain*, feelin- li,e a 'ictim to a failed marria-e or %u*ine**, or %lamin- other* for their lac, of *ucce**. Thi* !ule ena%le* you to li'e in a different way and to +lay a different Game# a more +a**ionate and ferociou* Game, one where you mo'e out into life loo,in- for o++ortunitie* and ta,in- ri*,* and +layin- to your *tren-th*. !ule <?: !i*e K+ in your Mind to Become )ware of the Game* ;ou "nly Get to !un ;our "wn Brain if ;ou ha'e Meta4)warene** 7'ery%ody doe* not -et to run hi* or her own %rain. There i* one +rimary condition for -ettin- to run your own %rain, you ha'e to ,now that you ha'e a %rain to run and awarene** of how you are currently runnin- it. The %rain create* fir*t le'el 2awarene**,2 awarene** of the world. Thi* i* the con*ciou*ne** of animal* and *mall children. )warene** of that awarene**, meta4awarene**, mo'e* u* to a hi-her le'el of mind. 1f you don3t ,now that you are runnin- your own %rain or how you are runnin- it, then your unawarene** will %e uncon*ciou*. Then you won3t -et to run your own %rain. ;our Brain

will run you( Thi* !ule ou-ht to *care the hell out of out you( Doe* it# Kncon*ciou*ne** mean* that you are not mindful of what3* -oinon. K*e that a* a cue. Do you e'er *cratch your head wonderin- that# Do you ha'e a*,: Hey, what3* -oin- on here# hy do 1 feel thi* way# hy can3t 1 *eem to -et ahead# hy am 1 alway* runnin- around in circle* and ne'er -ettin- on with thin-*# 1 don3t ,now what came o'er me@ 1 &u*t fli++ed out# 1 don3t *eem to ha'e control of my emotion*. hen !ule <? *ay* that you only -et to run your own %rain when you de'elo+ meta4awarene** of what you3re doin-, it +o*it* awarene** a* the ,ey condition. Thi* i* a %i- challen-e for many. "'er the year* many ha'e a*,ed, 2 ould you &u*t hy+noti.e me and ma,e thi* +ro%lem -o away#2 1 +layed that Game for awhile. Then 1 reali.ed the to0icity in that attitude. 1t3* the wron- attitude if you really want to ha'e control o'er your own life. That attitude will not lead you on to +er*onal ma*tery. That attitude indicate* the failure to acti'ely +artici+ate in your own life. )nd that3* why it ha* to %e refu*ed. 1n 9LP and 9$ we ,now that the ma-ic i* in the *tructure. The *tructure of an e0+erience it*elf i* the ma-ic. That3* why we model. e model e0+ert* to learn how they do it. Do what# !un their own %rain with re-ard to a *+ecific area 5*ellin-, +arentin-, relatin-, communicatin-, wealth %uildin-, health and fitne**, leader*hi+, etc.6. "nce we ,now that, we ,now how to find the ma-ic in any field or e0+erti*e. Thi* e0+lain* why we do the ,ind of trainin-* that we do. e *ee, to teach to the con*ciou* mind. e want con*ciou*ne** in'ol'ed. $o while we utili.e +roce**e* for wor,in- with facet* of mind out*ide of con*ciou* awarene**, we focu* on em+owerin- +eo+le to run their own %rain* without %ecomin- de+endent u+on u*. $o we facilitate their *elf4awarene** and e-o4*tren-th to loo, reality in the face, and lau-h, and feel ferociou*. Thi* rule lead* to 'ariou* /ue*tion* and orientation*. hat i* the %a*ic attitude that dri'e* thi* e0+erience# hat frame of mind do 1 need in order to e0+erience thi* orientation# How doe* he do that# How can 1 ado+t her frame of mind a%out that# !ule <B: Beware of ;our Frame !eferencin=u*t Becau*e ;our Brain Framed it Doe* 9ot Ma,e it K*eful 1f your %rain frame*, and if the frame* that you *et create the Game* that you +lay, ta,e care what you reference and how. e all ,now +eo+le 5+erha+* we ha'e %een *uch6 who e0+erience one or more ne-ati'e e'ent* in life and then 5to ma,e thin-* wor*e6, %uild their li'e* around that e'ent. Tal, a%out a +ro-ram that *uc,*. Thi* i* the *tructure of *ic, ma-ic: :enter your life around a Tra-edy, Mi*fortune, or 1n&u*tice( Thi* 'iolate* !ule <1 for the Brain Game. 1t i* failin- to con*ider thi* way of re+re*entin- and framin- thin-* a* totally a%*urd. Decided to %uild your life around -reat e'ent*. Find 5or in'ent6 wonderful reference* that you can center you life around. hat wonderful e'ent could 1 %uild my life around# hat in*+irin- referent e0+erience 5real or ima-ined6 would 1 li,e to commi**ion at the center of my attention and focu*# 1f 1 did, what el*e would ha'e to chan-e# )nd what other *u++ortin- idea* or %elief* would ena%le me to frame thin-* thi* way# hat you reference, how you reference in term* of the re+re*entation richne** you encode it in and what you *et a* your -o'ernin- frame* ma,e* all the difference in the world. 1t control* and -o'ern* the Game* that you +lay. )re you +layinthe Game* that you want to +lay# 1f not, then ta,e a loo, at the entire referencin- and framin- *e/uence and de*i-n a more em+owerin- one. )* e'erythin- ha%ituate* *o do the neuro4+athway* and the internal +roce**in- of the %rain. hen we ha%ituate a way of thin,in-, an information +roce**in- *tyle, or a direction for *endin- our %rain, it e'entually %ecome* our meta4+ro-ram* or *ortin- *tyle*. Thi* define* our current trance that or-ani.e* our mind4%ody *tate*. Frame* %ecome our *oftware +ro-ram* or default ma+* for how to o+erate in any -i'en arena of life. !ule <C: Li-hten K+ and Ha'e Lot* of Fun with your Brain 1f you don3t en&oy the +roce**, you will -et *tu+id. Here3* another rule in the Brain Frame Game. 1f you -et *eriou* a%out thin-*, you will -et *tu+id. $tu+idity i* the occu+ational ha.ard of -ettin- *eriou* a%out thin-*. Gettin- *eriou* ty+ically undermine* *uch -race* a* humor, lau-hter, en&oyment, +layfulne**, *illine**, and ludicrou*ne**. )nd yet the*e are the *a'in- -race* that ,ee+ u* human. The*e are the *a'in- -race* for %ein- real, %ein- *+iritual, and %ein- authentic. Lo*e the*e and you will not %e a%le to run your own %rain with any di-nity or -race. Lo*e humor and lau-hter and you loo*e +er*+ecti'e. ;ou3ll e'en %e-in to %e *educed into +layin- the God Game, thin,inyou are +erfect 5or *hould %e6, ,now it all 5or *hould6, and %e e'erywhere and do e'erythin- 5hence, indi*+en*a%le6. 1f any of that *eem* le-itimate, you are in dan-er of -ettin- *tu+id 'ery ra+idly. 9ow the *tu+idity of *eriou*ne** cau*e* +eo+le to %ecome *tiff and ri-id. They -et 2ri-ht2 5or *o they thin,6, then +roud of %ein- ri-ht. That lead* to *tuffine**, arro-ance, and the clo*in- of the mind. 1t3* a +itiful thin- to *ee. ;et it ha++en* all too often. Many +eo+le +ur*ue an ad'anced de-ree and then thin, the de-ree %e*tow* u+on them an )ll4>nowin-ne**. They actually thin, that their e'ery o+inion i* *omehow *acred and *hould ne'er %e /ue*tion. Doctor*, educator*, and

%ureaucrat* often fall into thi* fallacy. )ll of thi* increa*e* their *tu+idity %ecau*e not only do they not ,now it all, %ut they cannot ,now it all, no one can, and if they did, it would ma,e life le** worth li'in-. The fun i* in the +ur*uit. !i-id *eriou* arro-ance ma,e* the*e +eo+le clown* when it come* to ma,in- a mi*ta,e. Tal, a%out watchin- a falli%le human %ein- ma,e an a** of him*elf. atch one of the*e +eo+le do *omethin- wron-. The +ro%lem i* that they can3t %e wron-. 1t3* not allowed. ;et their +om+o*ity won3t allow them to *im+ly *ay, 2"o+*. Mi**ed that one.2 Thi* !ule in the Game of !unnin- ;our "wn Brain *ay* you ha'e to en&oy and deli-ht your*elf in your com+lete falli%ility. ;our %rain i* falli%le and that ma,e* all you thin, falli%le, all of your emotion*, *+eech, %eha'ior, and action*. 1t i* all 2lia%le to error.2 Don3t &u*t acce+t thi*, en&oy it. How ea*y i* it for you to ha'e fun with it# To +o,e fun at your own *illine**# To %e ridiculou*, ma,e a fool of your*elf, %low it, and *till maintain all of your di-nity# $eriou* +eo+le not only %elie'e, they %elie'e in their %elief*. Thi* i* what ma,e* them dan-erou*. That lead* them to %einfanatical 2true %elie'er*2 who ha'e clo*ed their mind* to the +o**i%ility of %ein- wron-. $uch *eriou* +eo+le ne'er *ee the hi-h comedy of their ridiculou* +o*ition. 1t3* their lac, of humor that lea'e* them with no +er*+ecti'e. $o it i* humor that3* our *a'in- -race, that free* u* u+, that allow* u* to li-hten u+ and to ,now that all of our mental ma++in- i* &u*t that# falli%le human ma++in-, at the %e*t, the hi-he*t thin,in- we can do at the moment. Li-hten u+ and en&oy the ride e*+ecially when you -et into a loo+. =u*t flow with it. 1f you fi-ht it, if you re*i*t it, you add ne-ati'e ener-y to the loo+. The /uic,e*t and ea*ie*t way out i* +arado0ical# welcome it and en&oy the ride. 1t3* &u*t a loo+ of the mind. Play with it. <D: >ee+ Teachin- ;our Brain 9ew Tric,* ;e*, your %rain can 5and will6 learn new tric,*. :ount on it. Brain* are alway* learnin-, that3* the -ood new*. The %ad new* i* that if you don3t ta,e char-e of what they are learnin-, they will learn tra*h. $o in +layin- the Brain Game, aim to con*tantly %e teachin- your %rain more +roducti'e thin-*. Feed it the %e*t data a'aila%le: in*+irin- idea*, awe*ome thou-ht*, em+owerin- %elief*, and *u++ortin- under*tandin-*. >ee+ codin- and recodin- the :inema in your mind *o that your internal world i* dramatic, e0citin-, %i--er than life, full of -race and lo'e, +ower and ener-y, ma,e it ali'e and 'ital. :reate one new em+owerin- frame of mind e'ery wee,#in a year3* time you3ll ha'e D? enhancin- frame* for the Matri0 of your Mind. $et out on the e0citin- ad'enture of di*co'erin-, un+ac,in- and re+licatin- the *trate-ie* of the e0+ert*. For-et 2why2 thin-* -o wron- and +eo+le are *tu+id, focu* on tho*e who are +roducin- e0cellence and *earch out their *trate-y. Find out what mo'ie* are +layin- in the :inema of their Mind*. Find out all of the cinematic feature* that ma,e that mo'ie *o entertainin- and the *tate* and hi-her le'el *tate* it create*. )fter you do that for a year or two, you3ll ha'e ha%ituated the Mo'ie* of the 70+ert* in your mind ... and %ody and emotion* and life. $ummary There3* a new Game in town. 1t3* the Game of !unnin- ;our "wn Brain. 9or doe* it ta,e a roc,et *cienti*t to under*tand the Game. Mo*tly it ta,e* *elf4awarene**, meta4awarene**, and the willin-ne** to ha'e fun e0+lorin- how the %rain create* the Matri0 of Frame* that then -o'ern* the Game* of our li'e*. TH7 B!)19 G)M7 B!)19 F):T$ B!)19 G)M7 !KL7$ <1: Brain* Follow Direction* <?: Brain* 70ternali.e their 1n*truction* <B: Brain* run on !e+re*entation* <C: Brain* Tran*ition in and out of the +re*ent moment <D: Brain* 1nduce $tate* <A: Brain* Go in :ircle* <E: Brain* Frame Thin-* <1: Juality :ontrol your Brain 1n*truction* <?: !i*e K+ in your Mind to %ecome aware of the Game* <B: Beware of your Frame !eferencin- <C: Li-hten K+ and Ha'e Lot* of Fun with ;our <D: >ee+ Teachin- ;our Brain 9ew Tric,* !eference* Bodenhamer, Bo%@ Hall, L. Michael. 5?0006. K*er* manual of the %rain F..GBoo,*Gcontent*.htmI. ale*, K>: :rown Hou*e Pu%lication*. Hall. L. Michael 5?0006. Meta4$tate*: Mana-in- the hi-her le'el* of your mind F..GBoo,*GMeta$tate*.htmI. Grand =ct. :": 9euro4$emantic* Pu%lication*. Hall, L. Michael. 5?0006. $ecret* of +er*onal ma*tery: )d'anced techni/ue* for acce**in- your hi-her le'el* of con*ciou*ne** F..GBoo,*GPer*onalHMa*tery.htmI. ale*, K>: :rown Hou*e Pu%lication*. )uthor: L. Michael Hall, Ph.D., co-niti'e +*ycholo-i*t, international 9LP trainer, entre+reneur@ +rolific author and international trainin-@ de'elo+er of Meta4$tate* and co4de'elo+er of 9euro4$emantic*. 5P.". Bo0 L, :lifton :" L1D?06, 5ME06 D?B4 ELEE. www.neuro*emantic*.com Fhtt+:GGwww.neuro*emantic*.comI. N?00? L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. )ll ri-ht* re*er'ed.

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