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Case Study The very first day that I walked into room 3 at Apple Tree to complete my practicum, I knew

that Phineas was the child that I would love to know more about. At the time, he was the youngest in the classroom and the smallest but he knew so much and was so smart. He was full of questions to ask me and why I was there and if I was one of his new teachers. There was so much wonder in his mind that he did not leave my sight the whole time I was there. Phineas is very outgoing and loves to play with his friends in room 3. He loves to cook and pretend play. He also loves to read and play with puppets. One thing that I noticed right away was that there was one little girl that he loved and always wanted to be around her. Every time she walked in the room or left the room he would give her a hug and ask why she was leaving or tell her how happy he was that she was there. His love, compassion and how smart he was for his age is the reason that I choose him to study. Phineas is an only child that lives at home with his mother and father. He comes to daycare every day because his mom and dad both work full time jobs as an administrative assistant and a bartender. During Phineas mothers pregnancy, she had no complications although she had a 24 hour labor and had to push for over two hours. During his birth he swallowed meconium and was rushed away from his parents to have his stomach and lungs pumped. Also during the first two days he lost one pound and was also jaundiced. While growing up, Phineas started sitting up on his own at the age of five to six months. He then started to crawl and feed himself at the age of eight to nine months and was walking at one year old. Phineas started to say his first few words when he was eleven months and then speak in full sentences about eighteen months.

When I first started my study on Phineas, he had a hard time with some physical things that his other friends could do. At the beginning of the semester he could not jump off the floor with both feet off the ground. This may not seem like a big deal but it was to him when all of his friends could do it. We worked on him being able to jump better and by the end of the semester he could do it! Phineas physical development was right on target other than being able to jump at the beginning. Phineas had always been a social butterfly, but he liked to play in his own also. I noticed that when I first started, he loved to pretend that he was cooking like his dad does. By the end of the semester he was having his friends pretend to cook with him. This to me showed me that he was developing more as an individual and liked having his friends around. He would put a chief apron on and get the food out of the refrigerator and ask his friends what they wanted to eat or if they would cook with him. I thought that it was very cute that he would always mention his dad and how his dad cooks at home. I observed Phineas three days a week and enjoyed it the whole time. I took many notes and many pictures of the things that Phineas was engaged in. Over the period of time, he grew as a person to be more involved with his friends. I observed on many different occasions of Phineas reading, writing, and pretend playing. These were his favorite activities. Phineas knows all his colors and can count very well. He also knows all the letters of the alphabet and can recognize them. He can even recognize some of his classmates names. To me this is the area that Phineas seems to excel in. He is very good with letters and numbers. Throughout the time that I spent with Phineas, there was not a weakness that I could spot. There were some things that he had a hard time with at first but after trying again he would get it. He seems to be typical of other areas of development as is many of his classmates.

If I was assigned to work with this child as a teacher, I would expect great things from this child. I would plan many different types of activities for him to practice many things from social to physical development. I believe that even though he is great at the things that he does, there is always room for improvement. The preschool program that Phineas is enrolled in, I feel is doing a great job at teacher him life skills. The teachers in this room offer so many opportunities for Phineas to grow from and learn from. They offer help when needed but also know when to just sit back and let Phineas work out problems for himself. There are fourteen children in Phineas class and the teacher make sure to give each child the help that they need and when they need it. One recommendation that I would make would be for Phineas to work on sharing with others. With him being an only child at home, he does not have to share with anyone so when he comes to school he seems to have a hard time sharing. He will share but it comes with just a little bit of attitude sometimes. This is only sometimes so to me it seems that he is becoming more okay with sharing each day that he is in the preschool program. Overall I enjoyed spending time in room 3 with all the children. I learned so many new things from each and every one of them. Phineas was a great fit for my case study because he had so many great things about him for me to learn about. I had a great relationship with him and his parents that I was very comfortable to speak anytime that I saw them. I would love to be able to stay in room 3 and watch Phineas grow into a great little person and transition to a new room. I know that he will do well and fit in anywhere that he goes.

Childs Name: Phineas Observer: Jamie Date: 10/17/13 List the area of development that apply: Communication

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates the following development milestone(s): Confidence building

Highlight whatever applies to the context of this observation: Child-initiated activity Teacher-initiated activity New task for this child Familiar task for this child Done independently Done with adult guidance Done with peer(s) Time spent (1-5 minutes) Time spent (6-15 minutes) Time spent (16 + minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say: During an activity that I implemented, Phineas was communicating with his classmates about sharing crayons so everyone could use a color.

Childs Name: Phineas Observer: Jamie Date: 10/8/13 List the area of development that apply: Gross Motor

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates the following development milestone(s): Being able to peddle a bike outside with his friends. Confidence Building Self-Awareness

Highlight whatever applies to the context of this observation: Child-initiated activity Teacher-initiated activity New task for this child Familiar task for this child Done independently Done with adult guidance Done with peer(s) Time spent (1-5 minutes) Time spent (6-15 minutes) Time spent (16 + minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say: Phineas was given the option to ride toys outside with his friends as they do every day when they get to go outside. They spend 30 minutes outside at one time and almost the whole time he spent riding this bike. He peddles the bike and also scoots himself while he was riding it.

Childs Name: Phineas Observer: Jamie Date: 9/19/13 List the area of development that apply: Emotional and Social

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates the following development milestone(s): Being engaged in social play with peers. Confidence Building

Highlight whatever applies to the context of this observation: Child-initiated activity Teacher-initiated activity New task for this child Familiar task for this child Done independently Done with adult guidance Done with peer(s) Time spent (1-5 minutes) Time spent (6-15 minutes) Time spent (16 + minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say: Phineas was talking and playing with classmates as they worked on the bench in the class trying to fix it. They worked for about 5 minutes before they decided that something else needed done.

Childs Name: Phineas Observer: Jamie Date: 9/12/13 List the area of development that apply: Emotional and Social

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates the following development milestone(s): Working on a puzzle with classmates Confidence Building

Highlight whatever applies to the context of this observation: Child-initiated activity Teacher-initiated activity New task for this child Familiar task for this child Done independently Done with adult guidance Done with peer(s) Time spent (1-5 minutes) Time spent (6-15 minutes) Time spent (16 + minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say: Phineas was talking through trying to find out where each piece of the puzzle went with his classmates. He was saying how he was excited that the puzzle was making the picture of a barn and farm animals.

Childs Name: Phineas Observer: Jamie Date: 10/1/13 List the area of development that apply: Writing Development

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates the following development milestone(s): Using a crayon to write and draw Confidence Building

Highlight whatever applies to the context of this observation: Child-initiated activity Teacher-initiated activity New task for this child Familiar task for this child Done independently Done with adult guidance Done with peer(s) Time spent (1-5 minutes) Time spent (6-15 minutes) Time spent (16 + minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say: Phineas was practicing his writing and as he was writing he was saying that he was drawing a pumpkin and a fun farm. (One Fun Farm Field trip was planned)

Childs Name: Phineas Observer: Jamie Date: 9/17/13 List the area of development that apply: Reading Development

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates the following development milestone(s):

Being able to pick up a book, read it left to right and right side up. Confidence Building

Highlight whatever applies to the context of this observation: Child-initiated activity Teacher-initiated activity New task for this child Familiar task for this child Done independently Done with adult guidance Done with peer(s) Time spent (1-5 minutes) Time spent (6-15 minutes) Time spent (16 + minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say. Phineas picked up a book by himself and started to read it to himself out loud. He was turning the pages from front to back and also holding the book right side up.

Childs Name: Phineas Observer: Jamie Date: 10/14/13 List the area of development that apply: Language

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates the following development milestone(s):

Highlight whatever applies to the context of this observation: Child-initiated activity Teacher-initiated activity New task for this child Familiar task for this child Done independently Done with adult guidance Done with peer(s) Time spent (1-5 minutes) Time spent (6-15 minutes) Time spent (16 + minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say: While painting one foot, Phineas told me that it felt like ice cream on his foot because it was cold and soft like a cloud. He was using descriptive words to describe what it felt and looked like.

Childs Name: Phineas Observer: Jamie Date: 10/31/13 List the area of development that apply: Creative Development

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates the following development milestone(s): Pretend Play Confidence building

Highlight whatever applies to the context of this observation: Child-initiated activity Teacher-initiated activity New task for this child Familiar task for this child Done independently Done with adult guidance Done with peer(s) Time spent (1-5 minutes) Time spent (6-15 minutes) Time spent (16 + minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say: During free time, shaving cream was brought out and put on the table for the children to play with. Phineas said he was playing with the clouds and was going to make more clouds. Look Miss Jamie, I made a cloud!

Childs Name: Phineas Observer: Jamie Date: 10/14/13 List the area of development that apply: Fine Motor

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates the following development milestone(s): Self-Awareness

Highlight whatever applies to the context of this observation: Child-initiated activity Teacher-initiated activity New task for this child Familiar task for this child Done independently Done with adult guidance Done with peer(s) Time spent (1-5 minutes) Time spent (6-15 minutes) Time spent (16 + minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say: After I helped Phineas make a footprint ghost, he was told to put his shoe and sock back on. He did this by using his finger tips and thumbs to pull his sock and put it in place how he wanted it to be.

Childs Name: Phineas Observer: Jamie Date: 10/22/13 List the area of development that apply: Fine Motor

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates the following development milestone(s): Picking up a small eyeball to place on his handprint spider. Confidence Building

Highlight whatever applies to the context of this observation: Child-initiated activity Teacher-initiated activity New task for this child Familiar task for this child Done independently Done with adult guidance Done with peer(s) Time spent (1-5 minutes) Time spent (6-15 minutes) Time spent (16 + minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say: Phineas made a handprint spider and wanted to put the eyes on. He tried once and could not pick the eyes up because they were so small but he tried one more time and got it. Then he said that he spider was silly because of the eyes were not the same height.

Childs Name: Phineas Observer: Jamie Date: 10/15/13 List the area of development that apply: Cognitive- Thinking

This photo, work sample and/or anecdote illustrates the following development milestone(s): Pretend Play

Highlight whatever applies to the context of this observation: Child-initiated activity Teacher-initiated activity New task for this child Familiar task for this child Done independently Done with adult guidance Done with peer(s) Time spent (1-5 minutes) Time spent (6-15 minutes) Time spent (16 + minutes)

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say: During free play, Phineas was in the block area with this block to his mouth. When I asked him what he was doing he told me that he was playing the trumpet.

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