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Community: Circle Up [Have everyone form one large circle. Prompt them to share their name, what church they go to, and the last time they did something good but risky] Challenge: Risky Business [Explain how prising exists so that !hristians can identify one another at school and together take risks in living out their faith in "esus]. #f we aren$t taking risks right here in this room, how is it that we think we can do so in the halls and beyond% [&sk everyone to shout out synonyms for the word courage til someone says 'fearless( or 'no fear(.] '!ourage( permits one to face extreme dangers and difficulties without fear. )hen you think of letting people at this school know you are a !hristian and living !hrist*s example on this campus, what do you think and feel% +oes your mind say ',E-.( but your stomach drops when it*s time to be honest with your friend about why you come to school so early on )ednesdays% Fear. /ot everyone in the room is going to be in the same place. -ome are going to be really, really scared to admit they believe in "esus to their friends and others will be ok with that but scared to start a spiritual conversation because they are afraid they won*t be able to defend their faith. -ome may be scared to talk to someone in this very room 0ust because they don*t go to the same church or because they are afraid of being 0udged about something else. )hat if we started here in this room% )hat if we at the prising were one in !hrist% )hat if it isn*t about what church we go to, but rather who saved each and every one of us%. )hat if we took more risks in this room and it started spilling out in the halls or that we were a group that was warm, welcoming and fearless% )e can start today by studying the )ord together and fearlessly sharing with one another. Study: Joshua 1:5- )hat if we started here in this room% )hat if we at the prising were one in !hrist% )hat if it isn*t about what church we go to, but rather who saved each and every one of us%. )hat if we took more risks in this room and it started spilling out in the halls or that we were a group that was warm, welcoming and fearless% )e can start today by studying the )ord together and fearlessly sharing with

one another. [Have everyone group into circles of 123 with someone who knows the -4&P method or is comfortable leading the reading, study and application of -cripture. 5his could also be directed by promptings from a leader in the front of the room.] [Have everyone take turns reading a verse from their own 6ible out loud.] )hat verse stood out to each of you% )hat can we observe about the passage% 7setting, audience, genre, verses around it, etc8 How is "oshua experiencing fear% How is "oshua displaying courage% How does the -cripture that stood out to you apply to your life% 75ake a risk. -hare.8 How can we pray for you before we go to class%

Community: ! Boats [Have everyone separate into two groups based on what 'boats( they are in] 64&5 9 if you know what you want to be when you grow up. 64&5 : if you still have no idea. 64&5 9 if you love camping. 64&5 : if you hate camping. 64&5 9 if you have a facebook account. 64&5 : if you don*t have a facebook account. 64&5 9 if you have ever had a cavity. 64&5 : if you have never had one. 64&5 9 if you are the oldest or only child in your family. 64&5 : if you have an older sibling.

"each: John 1#:#$-#5 [-tart this teaching time with prayer.] ;ast week we talked about the risk involved in being a part of the prising. 5his week we have started with an exercise which separated us and yet at the same time showed us what we have in common with one another. # recogni<e that there are groups of us that are separate because we attend other churches and yet we are the same in our love for "esus. 6ut how can we courageously risk everything for "esus in the halls, if we don*t yet have love for each other% [&sk someone to read "ohn 91=1>213 aloud. &s the student teacher, share personally what stands out to you in this verse before moving on. )ork with your prising !oach to personali<e this teaching time.] How will anyone take us seriously, if they don*t see us loving each other% ;et*s all break up into groups again. 5his time, each 'boat( will represent a different church. /ow, # want you to find someone else in the room that is not in the same 'church boat( as you and find something you have in common with them before sitting back down.

Challenge: %o&e "est &sk you walk out today, consider if your actions in the last week have added to the love in this room or if you have negatively affected the love in the room% )hen !hristians stop talking about love and start loving, we cease to be 'fakers( and 'hypocrites(. ?ake the decision right now to speak highly and positively to others about the prising and all churches represented. ?ake a decision to greet each other warmly, to take risks in serving each other in even the smallest ways and loving each other no matter what 'boat( we are in. [Pray]

Community: 'ho(ic [Have everyone find someone they don$t know very well to ask three @uestions] )hat*s the weirdest phobia you*ve ever heard of% )hat are you most afraid of% !an you swim% )editate: John *:1*-!1 [Pass out copies of the -cripture and pens so that everyone can reflect on this passage alone for a while. -ee the attached handout. Even though this is mostly and individual exercise, break everyone into circles of about 3 people each because it does involve sharing.] ;ast week we talked about loving each other while the world is watching. )e left the room with a challenge to be more positive in our attitudes towards our faith, the prising and !hristians. 5his week, we are going to meditate on a passage of -cripture. 4n your handout, there is a guide to how to get the most of this time. Challenge: +onest to ,od +id anyone else notice from that passage that "esus made a boat time2travel from one place to another% )hen we meditate on -cripture with an honest posture towards Aod, we allow Him to speak into our present situation. )hile you studied, you were prompted to write down what stood out to you and what Aod might be asking you to do as a marching order. )ould a few of you be willing to @uickly share what their marching order from this passage was% [#t would be great if the leader facilitating this time would also share their marching order from the text. -hare one of your fears or phobias and then share something a little more risky about a fear in your personal life. Aet guidance from your coach or another adult as to what would be appropriate to share. Examples might be a fear that your mom*s cancer will come back, that you*ll pick the wrong college, or that you fear taking a stand for your faith in class.] 6efore we head out into the halls today, we need to get honest with ourselves and honest with Aod about our fears. ;iving for "esus involves risk. #t also re@uires that we invite "esus into our fears and failures. &s imperfect !hristians trying to represent !hrist on our campus, think about thisB

)hat boat is Aod asking you to get out of% )hat fear or storm is keeping you in the boat%

[Pray for everyone*s private struggles, fears and storms. &sk Aod to fill in where we fail to have the strength to overcome fears so that we can live the life He dreams for us. &sk for power to live out our marching orders today.]

Jesus Walks on Water

')hen evening came, his disciples went down to the sea, got into a boat, and started across the sea to !apernaum. #t was now dark, and "esus had not yet come to them. 5he sea became rough because a strong wind was blowing. )hen they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw "esus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were frightened. 6ut he said to them, '#t is #C do not be afraid.( 5hen they were glad to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going.( 9. Dead the passage, underline the verse or phrase that stands out to you. :. Ao around the circle and share what stood out to you. 1. Dead it again slower, circling words that describe the scene. >. !hoose one person in the group to describe the scene they picture. 3. Dead what you underlined. E. +oes it intersect with what*s going on in your life in an obvious way% F. )hat does the phrase make you feel% G. -ilently pray. -hare with Aod honestly how you feel about your life today. H. !an you turn the phrase you underlined into a marching order for the day% 7i.e. 'do not be afraid( or 'be ama<ed at Aod*s power(8 9I. -ilently pray. &sk Aod to fill in where you don*t have the strength today. 99. )hen everyone*s done, share your marching orders with each other.

Community: )usical Chair 'eople [Have everyone pair up. -et up will re@uire having music and someone to start and stop it at random during the play of this game.] 5his game is much like musical chairs but instead of chairs, there are people and the ob0ect is for you and your partner to avoid being eliminated from the round and ultimately be the last ones standing. )hile the music is playing, everyone walks around the room at random. ,ou cannot 'tail( your partner. ,ou must have at least E feet of distance between the two of you at all times while the music is playing. )hen the music stops, you must run to your partner and 0ump on his or her back. 5he last pair to do this successfully is eliminated. Play continues until 9 pair is left. -nspire: Risk (y 'aul Brandt Paul 6randt is a country artist who wrote a song called, 'Disk(. 5he last 1 weeks we have talked about how it takes 'risk( to live out your faith on campus. 5here is even a level of risk in 0ust showing up early to school and being seen in this room, but it*s not even 0ust about the people outside the room that we are called to take risks with but also amongst each other in the room. ;ast week we talked about our fears. [Play the song 'Disk( by Paul 6randt or show the music video from ,ou5ube. #f you don*t have the capability of audioJvisual then at least consider printing out the lyrics and doing the next part.] )ould anyone be willing to share what they sense Aod is asking them to change about the way they represent Him on campus% Scripture Challenge: Risk & search of the word 'risk( in shows less than 9I resultsKall similar to the phrase, 'risked their lives(. /ow is that the level of 'risk( you*ve been thinking of the past few weeks% 5here are a few /ew 5estament guys that # want to tell you aboutKPaul, 6arnabus and Epaphroditus. &ll are mentioned in -cripture as risking their lives for !hrist. [Prepare by reading Philipians :=:321I and surrounding verses for context and &cts 93=::2:F. -ee if you can discover specifically how the men mentioned in these passages risked their lives and what for. ;ean into your campus coach for resources.]

End with a challenge that although, we may not be willing or need to 'risk our lives( we can take the next step and risk our popularity, our extra2curricular activities, etc for !hrist. )hat is your calling today% [!lose in prayer.]

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