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Yoona Jun 9/26/13 ENGH 121 AC1 Summary- Draft 2 Word count 271 Outsourcing the Mnd by Gerd

Gigerenzer published in 2007 states that these days our minds depend more on the internet rather than ourselves. Gigerenzer asserts that technology interrupts our life in more ways than one. He supports a minimum technology use lifestyle such as checking your email once a day and only using technology when people are not around others. Gigerenzer discovers that our communication with others gets disrupted easily because of thinking profession which is control our minds. He insists that the internet becomes gradually outsourcing our mind. According to Gigerenzer, the greatest invention to affect human mental life is writing. Writing has affected our long-term memory by impairing it. We no longer have to memorize things like stories because they are readily available in print. As mentioned in the article, writing has replaced the art of memorization by training in reading and writing. (p.148) In addition, Gigerenzer points out that we are in a state of poor long-term memory and we forget things easily and look for information from outside sources. Also, technology is affecting our social skills. Take for example, persuasion and conversation have been lost to technology. To find information the same data can be found online without any human interaction. Moreover, another factor that has affected out learning lifestyle is the internet. Gigerenzer compares the internet to a huge storage room of information. (p.148) We now use storage room as a replacement for our minds and thought process.

In the end, Gigerenzer emphasizes that the internet will completely govern our life until a new technology emerges in our life style which will outsource our current technology.

Reference Gerd Gigerenzer (2007) Gut Feelings- The intelligence of the unconscious, New York, Viking.

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