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RPG Game

Cndea Iuliana Maria An IV CTI

We want to create a new RPG game. The game will have some maps where the action will take place, some heroes with different abilities and weaknesses from which the player can choose from, different kind of enemies, items such as potions, armour, weapons that would help the hero in his fight. The hero would have to accomplish different tasks.

We dont need only engineers, but also artists, in order to have a good looking and interesting game.

Project Steps

Documentation Phase
We need to document about similar products and the technology they use, so we know better what our customers want to buy.

Concepts planning phase

We should have an interesting storyline and some characters that people would love.

Graphic design phase

Our artists should draw some good looking characters and some beautiful places, because people enjoy a game more when it looks good.

Computer design phase

Graphic designers should now implement on the computer what graphic artist have drawn, as accurate as possible.

Object programming phase

IT engineers should now make the nicely drawn characters move and do their stuff.

Object testing phase

Each character should be tested to behave correctly.

Integration and Integration testing phases

Finally, all the characters, maps and items should be put together to assemble the game as a whole. Now we only need to test the game, to make sure we made everything right.

Now we only need to find a good name and launch our game on the market. Open Project helped us to set the task list and to estimate the time and money needed to accomplish them.

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