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Foreign exchange management act, 1999

Garg BBA(B&I) 2nd shift, 3rd Sem





in 1991. Demand to bring certain major changes in FERA in the light of economic changes took place. A ne act as formed to replace FERA! kno n as Foreign e"change management act #FE$A%! 1999.

To facilitate external

trade and payments.

To promote the


orderly development and maintenance of foreign exchange market

Sections Of FEMA

Dealings in foreign exchange and foreign securities and payments to and receipts from any unauthorized person.


Dealings in foreign exchange and foreign securities and payments to and receipts from any person outside India.

Current account


Capital account

Dealing in current & Capital accounts. Central Government and RBI rules.

Realization and Repatriation of foreign exchange:-

Reasonable steps to realize to India. Within the time period & the manner prescribed by the act.

Contravention and penalties:For an& kind of contra'ention under this act defaulter is liable to pa& up to thrice the amount in'ol'ed here it is (uantifiable Up to Rs. ) lakhs *here not (uantifiable +f such contra'ention is continued further penalt& hich ma& e"tend to Rs. ,!--- for e'er& da& after the first da& .

Administration of the Act

Rules laid down by RBI in consultation with Central Government. The Act requires central Government to appoint :- ! Adjudicating Authorities, 2) one or more Special Directors . Appellate Tribunal to be established.


In "#$A only the speci%ied acts related to %orei&n e'chan&e are re&ulated while in "#RA anythin& and everythin& that has to do with %orei&n e'chan&e was controlled The ob)ective o% "#$A is to %acilitate trade while that o% "#RA is to prevent misuse "#$A is a much smaller enactment only +, sections a&ainst - sections o% "#RA.




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