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Action Plan A. Research paper By March 31: Have outline for rough draft completed I. II. III.

Plan Topics/Subtopics Organize Sources to fit with each topic Find areas in which more research is necessary

By April 3: Have made contact with possible interviewees I. II. Contact Miss Freundlich Contact Chris Biffle

By April 4: Have half or more than half of the rough draft done I. II. III. Work on one or two paragraphs each day Complete more research if necessary to supplement underdeveloped paragraphs Use weekend (5th & 6th) to touch up rough draft

April 7: 1st Rough Draft due I. Look at peer edits and make necessary changes

April 10: 2nd Rough Draft due I. II. III. Continue to make edits Have final draft completed by 12th Have multiple people read through final

April 24: Final Draft due B. Project April 11: Have lesson picked to incorporate whole brain teaching I. II. III. Make decision as to whether to film or observe Decide between giving instructions or retention of information (testing/assessment) Discuss possible dates (Tuesday/Thursday)

April 25: Have Lesson fixed I. II. Have discussion and run through lesson with teacher If filming have approval from principal


If filming have letters sent out to parents for approval

April 30: Have final date picked I. II. III. IV. Try to get approval to miss 1st and 3rd period to observe Create guidelines for observation/know what to look for Decide what type of pre/post assessing needs to be done Start to think about how this will be presented to the class

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