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On several occasions a teacher walked around the classroom with a hidden object in a bag.

The first time the children were asked to guess what was in the bag. Their answers were recorded. To expand on the childrens learning the subsequent times the children were asked to describe how the object felt before guessing what the object was. There were several occasions where children peeked at what was in the bag while guessing.

What do you feel

#lina (vy )rooklyn (mily *am Owen ,athan -ayla (than -ude #urora /acy #very ,oah "race -ordan 4aura
.saw the cucumber

!escription $old% oval shape% soft% smooth and kind of bumpy $old% long and smooth $old $old *oft% hard% and bumpy *oft $old% smooth% and hard Warm% hot and smooth $old and rough $old% kind of smooth% little bumpy and straight $old and smooth $old% bumpy and hard $old and hard 0ong% hard and cold $old% soft% straight% 123 big *oft% hard and medium $old% hard% and round like a circle

"uess &ce 'ack Water melon (gg 'ickle +ot dog +ot dog 'ine cone $arrot $ucumber. $ucumber. 'ickle $ucumber +ot dog 'iece of pepper )anana $halk 'ickle

#nswer $5$54)(67

What do you think it is?

-ordan8 big ball /acy8 big ball 4aura8 pumpkin (mily8 pine cone #urora8 a ball with pokey stuff "race8 a palm tree thing8coconut #very8something hard ,athan8 turnip #lina8something that grows underground ,oah8 something rough )rooklyn8 a ball Owen8 a pokey thing -ude8 like a ball% scruffy *am8 & dont know (than8 "rass (vy8 # hard scratchy thing

What do you feel?

&n this activity the children were asked to feel an object inside of 9 different containers. The children were asked to use their sense of touch to determine what was in each container. Their answers were recorded by the teacher. The activity was done again the next day with the children wearing a glove. Their answers were again recorded. #t group time the items in the containers were revealed to the class. # discussion followed about whether it was easier to feel with the glove on or off. The consensus was that it was 1lots3 easier to feel with the glove off.

*peak clearly and understandably to express ideas% feelings and needs. &dentify% name and describe three8dimensional objects using the childs own vocabulary :e.g.% sphere ; 1ball%3 cube ; 1box%3 cylinder ; 1can3 or 1tube%3 and cone ;1ice cream cone3<. (xplore and compare materials that provide many different sensory experiences :e.g.% sand% water% wood<. 5se one or more of the senses to observe and learn about objects% organisms and phenomena for a purpose :e.g.% to record% classify% compare% talk about<.

Experiencing the inside of a pu pkin

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The children helped clean out the inside of a pumpkin and collected the seeds for other classroom activities. They were asked to describe how the inside of the pumpkin felt.

Standards Co-ered
5se one or more of the senses to observe and learn about objects% organisms and phenomena for a purpose :e.g.% to record% classify% compare% talk about<. (xplore objects% organisms and events using simple equipment :e.g.% magnets and magnifiers% standard and non8standard measuring tools<. 6ecord or represent and communicate observations and findings through a variety of methods :e.g.% pictures% words% graphs% dramati=ations< with assistance (xplore and compare materials that provide many different sensory experiences :e.g.% sand% water% wood<. 5se familiar objects to accomplish a purpose% complete a task or solve a problem :e.g.% using scissors to create paper tickets for a puppet show% creating a ramp for a toy truck<.

5sing paint that was fro=en in ice cube trays the children used different tools including their hands and popsicle sticks to make paintings. The children used the senses of sight and touch to explore the paint while it was fro=en and as it melted onto their work.

Standards (xplore and compare materials that provide many different sensory experiences :e.g.% sand% water% wood<. (xplore ways of moving objects in different ways :e.g.% pushing% pulling% kicking% rolling% throwing% dropping<. (xplore new uses for familiar materials through play% art or drama :e.g.% paper towel rolls as ka=oos% pan for a hat<. 'redict what will happen next based on previous experiences :e.g.% when a glass falls off the table and hits the tile floor% it most likely will break<.

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