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Canadian food

Name: Jorge Luis Quizhpilema Grade: 10 B Date: 25-09-12

Traditional dishes in this country result from the combination of English and French influence with the legacy left by the Indians, and the presence of Scandinavian immigrants, Slavic and Asian, so from now vary widely. I already said Joe Clark, former Canadian Prime Minister: Canada has a kitchen stove. There is a pot but a heterogeneous. While each region has its own flavor, there are common ingredients in the whole territory. Among them, Canadians enjoy dishes like beet soup and pea soup, cheese Oka (a famous Canadian cheese, semi soft and made with cows milk), and pirogues and stuffed pasta. The meat is also on the typical food in Canada. They feed on all kinds of dishes of meat, for example, fried beef with sweet ginger sauce, pickled pork wrapped in corn meal, pork pie and buffalo meat. As for seafood, enjoy the grilled salmon and cod, served with baked beans and the famous Canadian Poutine sauce, prepared with meat sauce, cheese and fries (the dish you see in the picture). And for dessert? The typical food of Canada includes desserts like caramel and maple syrup known Nanaimo bars (chocolate-covered wafer and vanilla frosting). Meanwhile, Canadians are drinking their Caesar Cocktail, with vodka, tomato juice and clam juice.

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