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449 Qairawan AlHajeri November 11, 2013 ENGH-121-AC2 Summary Analysis Draft 2 Christine Rosen is a senior editor of The

New Atlantis, where she writes about the social and cultural impact of technology, as well as bioethics and the history of genetics. In Myth of Multitasking article by Christine Rosen, The author discusses the effects of multitasking. Multitasking is doing more than one thing at a time, and it was found from a very long time. She adds that a multitasking person is marked as of his superior genius. She affirms that the multitasking has a positive effects and negative effects at the same time. Also she adds that multitasking can effect on human intelligence. It can be in a bad or a good way. When a person is very busy he/she needs someone to do the other works that he would do at the same time. Christine demonstrates that multitasking is a very good thing, but it can also be a bad thing. She introduces the reasons of debating or discussing this kind of topics. One of the reasons is that because of the bad effects that come from it and also the good effects. She wants people to be aware of the effects of multitasking either in a its bad way or in its good way. Christine shows that multitasking is in everywhere it can be in digitals or it can be in a person. She adds that advertisements are the first generation of digitals using them as a multitasking device to de several things at a time. That means that nowadays multitasking is a very easy to find. Multitasking is related to skills. It is how ones is able to do a lot of things at a time, which is a very effective skill to easily get a job. She clarifies that Multitasking can harm the brain and also it can lead it loose a lot of money. Most of the devices have the multitasking feature, so you will money to buy that device. Some people cant afford buying these kinds of devices. It can be expensive for some people. She adds that it lost the brain

449 task to perform. Multitasking is leading to have some blood problems that can really harm your body. Christine says that it is good to use the multitasking devices. It can teach you and to store new information and skills. And also it can change the way in which children and teens think. She adds that we have to do something to help people not to fall into the hole of multitasking. We have to find some solutions for this problem. She suggested using less multitasking so that it cant harm us.

QUAIRAWAN (AC2) Evaluation System 1, 2 = Emerging 3 = Developing/beginning to show criteria 4 = Capable/usually consistent (Passing) 5 = Experienced/effective/consistent 6, 7 = Exceptional/thought-provoking A2+ B1

ENGH 121/ Summary-Analysis

Criteria a. Introduction is logically arranged and contains the article title, the publication, the authors name and credibility information, and the articles main/central idea b. Thesis statement addresses the effectiveness of the authors argument c. Body connects the points logically d. Each paragraph introduces and develops one main idea e. Evidence (direct, indirect, quotes, paraphrase) is introduced (signal phrases) and explained f. Includes sufficient supporting evidence; appropriate details/examples support every point g. Credibility of authors source information is evaluated (SaS)






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h. Conclusion restates thesis in a different way i. j. Analysis of text distinguishes between personal beliefs and evidence (SaS) Paraphrasing changes words and sentence structure of original text and accurately reflects original idea and intention

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k. Tone is neutral and objective throughout l. Reporting verbs accurately reflect original authors tone and purpose

m. Clauses are correctly formed with correct/appropriate word choice (including prepositions and articles), word form (including verb tense and form), and word order. n. Sentences are correctly formed with no fragments or run-ons o. Verb choice, verb tense, and verb forms are correct p. Spelling, punctuation (including commas for introductory phrases and non-essential elements), and capitalization are correct q. Evidence is cited correctly in text; includes full reference in APA style at the end

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Comments: Quairawan, you have a lot of work to do with this essay. You have most of the main ideas but you are summarizing them very quickly and not developing them. You have a good foundation to add analysis, so focus on that. Whenever you make a point, say why the author (Rosen) may have included itdoes it advance or make her argument more effective? You have some good material to work with and you should be able to add at least another two pages. You need to figure out what your thesis is so that you can start analyzing what Rosen is doing in the article. Rosen is building an argument step by stepwhat that argument is and whether she is doing an effective job is YOUR thesis and YOUR argument. You need to mention the sources to show what Rosen is doing, how she is advancing her argument, and whether the sources are effective for Rosen to persuade the reader.


At the sentence level, your essay looks quite good. Now that you know how to analyze sentences better, you can do that more with your own sentences; that will help you find more errors. Focus particularly on vocabulary because often your writing is hampered by wrong word choice (semantics) or missing words rather than by incorrect grammar (syntax). I suggest that you schedule an appointment with a Writing Center tutor (Dana or Paul) to help you with separating out the ideas and adding analysis of what Rosen is doing in the article. You can also schedule an appointment with me (Prof. Baker).

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