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Qairawan ALHajeri ENGH 122 ALA DRAFT 2 title missing Every time you look at a research paper, your

eyes will directly try to find the title of the article, after that you are going to look for the sub-titles that will let you know the next thing that you are going to read. This is a very good guide for the readers . An article that was written by Shirley A. Russ; Kandyce Larson; Todd Michael Franke; and Neal Halfon. Associations Between Media Use and Health in US Children discusses the influence of the new technologies on the health of the kids in the United States, and also focuses on the number of the kids who were affected by the television and other new technologies. Most of the parents dont know the risk of using all the kinds of the new technologies on the health of their kids. The writers first started their paper with an abstract that explains every section of the paper. This paper is divided into sections; each section focuses on a specific point. For example, first it has the introduction about the topic, after that comes the sections, which are Methods, Result, and Discussion, every section mentions some sub points. This looks organized, because the sections are there, the bolded font is there for the sub titles so the reader can easily understand the content.

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