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Weekend-Ruining WOW For Beginners

Although significantly less popular now than in years past, World of Warcraft still retains about 5 million active players. A ma ority of these players play in regular, self-moderated intervals, and lead productive lives. !here does, however, e"ist a niche group of players upholding a hobby of sporadically spending #$ hour, vitamin-%-insufficient weekends on the game, staggered by months without playing. !his guide will give you a brief introduction into various aspects of this hobby.

&efore preparing for an A'eroth binge, players assure they have ade(uate supplies to last two days. !his is a necessary precaution due to the fact that e"cursions outside the house for food is frowned upon and delivery food is prohibitively e"pensive.

&efore beginning the weekend, players must come to terms with the fact that productivity is not an option. )t can range anywhere from *-#$ hours for the player to fully come to terms with the fact that, this weekend, they will not accomplish anything that actually matters to anyone outside of A'eroth.

While there are many niche play styles, such as sofa-console-style-WOW and toilet-seat-laptop-WOW, the most popular options are either sitting-desk-WOW or standing-desk-WOW. +ach option has pros and cons. While sitting may be more comfortable, as you can see bellow, sitting for a e"tended periods of time lead you to develop bad posture, which could lead to back pain later in the weekend.

As you can see bellow, the standing desk also comes with pros and cons. While the standing desk allows for more creative celebrations when you pwn noobs, it does re(uire fre(uent breaks, which could leave you, in turn, vulnerable to pwnage.

On ,unday evening, each player feels remorse about how they spent their weekend, and ponders their e"istence on earth, how special life is, and why they s(uandered such a large chunk of it.

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