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Check list in order to evaluate, how the learners describe the differents elements that involve Panamanian traditions

and culture

Criterias to evaluate Associates pictures with the vocabulary. Responds questions frequently. Shows interest and discipline during the discussion of the topic. Places pictures in the classroom concerning with the topic suggested by the teacher. Understand that here in Panama; there are people from differents countries with differents traditions and cultures.



Instrument: Rubric

Evaluation Objective: Speech about Panamanian Traditions and Cultures. Type of Evaluation: Heteroevaluation Total point: ____________ Assessment: ________________


INITIAL ( 1pts) The learners dont manage the information

Learning Achievement BASIC ADVANCED (2pts) (3pts) Make mistake with some phrases. The student is not sure of some terminology Manage the information but make mistakes.

EXCELLENT (4pts) Master the information in the correctly.

Introduction of the topic.

Tone voice

It is difficult Pronunciation understand his is not clear. /her idea.

Use the correct pronunciation, and the ideas are clear. Self confident is excellent.

Gesture /Posture

Looks , nervous ,and not sure

Looks a little impatient.

Keep hands and parts of the body correctly. Point the pictures, but are not attractive. Mention the groups of words in the proper way, but didnt pronounce them correctly.

Visual Aid

Didnt bring any material to support the presentation. The ideas are not in the chronological order.

There are some pictures not relate with the topic. Omits some words, and the pronunciation is confused.

All the pictures are related with the topic.


Makes sense when is talking about the theme.

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