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Job outlook

Description Chemists con(uct research pro)ects, stu(y the chemical compoun(s an( structures o* (i**erent materials to create a better replacement material, an( use team+ork to reach 0.06 a common ,oal



$73,060 per year

-hey +ork in labs an(.or o**ices. -here is a risk o* in)uries an( sickness (ue to certain chemicals use(. -hey usually +ork *ull time.


$!06,"#0 per year

-hey stu(y space, -hey usually +ork time, ener,y an( in me(ium si0e( matter an( the la+s labs but may nee( an( principles that to have hi,her ,o alon, +ith them. e1uipment *or -hey try to e/plain some *iel(s. -hey the *orces o* nature +ork *ull time 0.! such as ,ravity. usually.


$"!#"0 per year

-hey use thin,s such as electron microscopes an( lasers to con(uct $iochemists o*ten e/pire nets an( +ork in labs an( analy0e (ata. -hey o**ices so they can also use research con(uct to *in( out ho+ e/periments an( neves +ork an( to analy0e (ata. -hey *in( cures *or thin,s usually +ork *ull 0.!% such as cancer. time.


$"#,#60 per year

&ets treat an( (ia,nose sick or hurt animals. -hey also use e1uipment such as a /23ay to help them treat in)ure( animals. Sometimes they have to put some animals to sleep i* they are (yin, in or(er to put them out o* their 0.!' su**erin,.

&ets usually +ork in clinics. -hey are un(er the risk o* ,ettin, bitten or hurt in some other +ay by the animals +ho are scare(. 4lso they mi,ht be un(er a lot o* stress *rom (ealin, +ith animals an( their stresses o+ners. -hey o*ten +ork lon, hours.


3elate( )obs

Chemist nee( a bachelors (e,ree in chemistry as a minimum. hDs are +hat you +ant to ,et better )obs or hysicists, to have a better biochemists, chan,e at ,ettin, a ,eoscientist, )ob. chemical en,ineers

-hey nee( to have a h.D. 5n physics in or(er to ,et a )ob. 4 post(octoral )ob +ill help you to ,ain e/perience. -hey nee( at least a. $atch lor(s (e,ree in biochemistry, physics, or other relate( *iel(s. -o ,et hi,her level )obs they nee( to ,et a h.D. in sub)ects such as ,enetics an( proteomics.

4erospace en,ineers, bio chemist, civil en,ineers, mathematicians

$iolo,ical technicians, epi(emiolo,ists, microbiolo,ist, physicians

&ets must ,et a D.6.&. in or(er to ,et license( an( to ,et employe(. 5t usually takes # years to complete the pro,rams.

4nimal care an( service +orkers, me(ical scientists, vet assistants, 0oolo,ist

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