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Prospective authors are invited to submit full text papers in the prescribed format (refer website www.civniu.

com) in MS word doc, format by email .... Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS.
All accepted papers of ICICE 2014 will be published in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING, and will be

Indexed in Scopus Compendex and Geobase (products hosted on Engineering Village) Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Chemical Abstract Services-USA, Geo-Ref Information Services-USA. This journal is also listed in Anna University Annexure II list. The extended version of the selected papers will be published in the conference proceeding of ICCE 2014.

Important Dates Paper Submission Notification of acceptance Final paper submission and authors registration Conference dates : July 2nd , 2014 : July 17th , 2014 : August 20th , 2014 : October 8th &9th , 2014

PAGE LIMIT Minimum number of pages : 4 Maximum number of pages : 5

AUTHOR GUIDELINES 1) If the length of the pages exceeds 5 pages, the cost of each extra page is Rs 1000 or 20 US Dollars. 2) Registration fees includes conference materials, lunch,dinner and refreshments. 3) At least on author for each accepted final paper must register. 4) Same Registration fee is applicable to co-author also. 5) Registration fee for each accompanying person is Rs 1000 or 100 US Dollar

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