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My science fiction story is about zombies.

In a small town called mystery gate ;something bizarre happened:the city had been populated by zombies. The WHO ! city had been co"ered by a dar# fog. !"erything was frightening$and the people were "ery scared. They all sat in the house$ they were afraid to go outside or to go on the street because the zombies are fed with human blood and human brains. !ating lots of people$they became faster and more intelligent. This in"asion of zombies had ruin the city. %ulia had &ust returned from her holiday. He had no idea what was going on with her city. 'o$ she had been ta#en by a zombies$ has been #ept capti"e in a small and dar# space. (ut this zombies was different$he didn)t hurt her. They stand for many days together$and they fall in lo"e. Their #iss turns on all the other zombies in people and e"erything returns to normal.

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