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ETHNOGRAPHIC Ethnography is a scientific research strategy often used in the social sciences, especially anthropology and in some branches

of sociology, also known as part of historical science that studies people, ethnic groups and other ethnic formations, etnogenesis, composition, resettlement, social welfare characteristics, as well as their material and spiritual culture. Ethnography is often applied to collect empirical data about the community and culture mansia. Data collection is usually done through participant observation, interviews, questionnaires, etc.. Science aims to explain the situation being studied (ie to describe a person, an ethnos) through writing. In biology, this type of study is called "field study" or "case reports", both are used as common synonyms for "ethnography". Famous Ethnographer: Franz Boas Raymond Firth Bronisaw Malinowski Claude Lvi-Strauss Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay Mary Douglas Gregory Bateson Zalpa Bersanova Napoleon Chagnon Diamond Jenness Ruth Landes Edmund Leach Jos Leite de Vasconcelos David Maybury-Lewis Margaret Mead Lubor Niederle Dositej Obradovic Alexey Okladnikov Sergey Oldenburg Richard Price Edward Sapir August Ludwig von Schlzer Evander Sno Marilyn Strathern Ronald Takaki Lila Abu-Lughod Sudhir Venkatesh Ian Collins Leni Riefenstahl Paul Willis

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