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- ( ASA ) defined as a rectifier is device which converts alternating current into unidirectional current b virtue of a characteristic !er"itting a!!reciable flow of current in onl one direction#

S"all !ower re$uire"ents% co!!er-o&ide or seleniu" rectifier glass-enclosed hot-cathode t !e ( Tungar or Rectigon)

'echanical and electrol tic t !es ( o!erating difficulties and low efficiec For large !ower re$uire"ent% - 'ercur -arc t !e - Silicon-t !e rectifier

)alf wave Rectifier % Idc * Iave* +#,-. I" Ieff * +#/ I" 0dc * +#,-. 0" * Tube dro! 1 0dc-load 0ac * +#2+2 0"

The transfor"er of a / a"! Tungar batter charger has a --/ volt !ri"ar and a /3 volt secondar # If the dc load voltage is -/ volts4 calculate% a)# The tube dro! ( .#5 volts) b)# The effective transfor"er secondar current ( 2#./ a"! c)# The transfor"er !ri"ar current4 neglecting the e&citing current ( ,#// a"! )

'ercur arc rectifier

- Is used in co""ercial rectifiers 'ultianode Three !hase 'ercur (arc rectifiers Serve b % three !hase sources through transfor"ers connected 6 or delta Secondar % alwa s 6

7et% Assu"ing a rectangular wave for" $ * nu"ber of anodes Average anode current 4 IAave * Idc 8 $ Effective anode current4 Iaeff * Idc 8 9$ 0dc * 07 1 arc dro! * ($8:) 93 0 sin (:8$) 0 * effective voltage !er transfor"er coil

Total ;0A rating of the transfor"er that serves a $ (anode rectifier and the load is e$ual to ;0At * $& ( 0 Iaeff ) 8-+++ * 9$ 0 Idc 8-+++

The <elta connected !ri"ar of a three-!hase transfor"er is su!!lied with !ower fro" a 34,++ volt4 three !hase source 4 and the 6-connected secondar is connected to a three-anode "ercur (arc rectifier4 which delivers a dc load of -++ ;= at 33+ volts# Assu"ing an arc dro! of -/ volts4 calculate% a# The voltage across each transfor"er secondar ( 3++) b# The direct current in the load ( 5// ) c# The effective anode ( transfor"er secondar ) current ( 3>, ) d# The effective current in each transfor"er !ri"ar ( 33#?) e# The ;0A rating of the transfor"er# ( -/2#/)

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