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A. Proactive and corrective actions and employer can take during the hiring process would include: 1.

Do not specify a gender when advertising for a job opening. 2. Do not ask for an applicants maiden name. 3. Always ask the same questions to each candidate being interviewed. 4. Do not require one gender to work different hours or job positions for reasons not related to their ability or availability for the job. 5. Do not discipline one gender for an act for which the other gender is not disciplined. 6. Do not provide one gender training and the other no training. 7. Do not design a seniority system that allows for greater seniority for one gender over the other. 8. Do not pay employees different wages based on gender. 9. Provide the same benefits for both genders. 10. Do not subject one gender to different terms of employment. 11. Do not terminate an employee of one gender for reasons that would not serve as the basis for termination for an employee of the other gender. B. Different ways in which gender discrimination is manifested in the workplace include: 1. Career stereotyping (assuming a nurse is always a women or assuming a doctor is always a male). 2. Promoting one gender over another based on something other than skill. 3. Hiring only attractive people instead of the most qualified. 4. Paying people a different rate of pay based on appearance. 5. Assuming older employees have problems adapting to changes and to new policies. 6. Not hiring a woman because she might get pregnant. D. The common gender myths used as a basis for illegal workplace determinations include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Women are better suited to repetitive, fine-motor-skill tests. Women are too unstable to handle jobs with a great deal of responsibility or high pressure. Men make better employees because they are more aggressive. Men do not do well at jobs requiring nurturing skills such as day care, nursing, elder care, and the like. 5. When women marry, they will get pregnant and leave their jobs. 6. When women are criticized at work, they will become angry or cry. 7. A married womans income is only extra family income. 8. A woman who changes jobs is being disloyal and unstable. 9. A woman should not have a job that requires her to have lunch or dinner meetings with men. 10. Women should not have jobs that require travel or a good deal of time away from home. Bennett-Alexander, D.D. & Hartman, L.P.(2009). Employment Law for Business (6 th ed.). McGraw Hill Irwin. (p. 356 - 366)

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