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so gruesome but

I want to keep the students on track. My goal is to have every student in

the class write a letter that shows they learned something today.

2. What are some specific things you would like observed?

I would like my time to be observed. I know that during my math lesson plan I
went over time so I am really trying to work on my time management skills. I also want

my classroom management skills to be observed. I want to know if I am controlling the

class okay and am not sure

if I have them on task. I also want my teacher to

observe my speaking'

ifam loud enough or too toud. I think I am okay on voice level but I am not

positive. I would really love to know what I am doing right as well as what I am doing wrong. I am curious to see how I am doing as a future educator'

To be completed by the Observer

3.Strengths to continue to build on:

4. Suggestions for future lessons:



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