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Ionic equation- An ionic equation is a chemical equation where the electrolytes in aqueous solution are written as dissociated ions.

Semiconductors- A material, typically crystalline, which allows current to flow under certain circumstances Gallium Arsenide- Gallium arsenide is a compound of the elements gallium and arsenic. Scalable- capable of being easily expanded or upgraded on demand Halide- A halide is a binary compound, of which one part is a halogen atom and the other part is an element or radical that is less electronegative. Acid anhydride- An acid anhydride is an oxide that forms an acid when it is reacted with water. Addition reaction- An addition reaction is a chemical reaction in which atoms add to a carbon-carbon multiple bonds. Aldehyde- An aldehyde is any organic molecule that has a -COH group. Beta particle- A beta particle is an electron, although the term is used when the electron is emitted in radioactive decay. Calorimetry- Calorimetry is the study of heat flow Endothermic- Endothermic describes a process that absorbs heat. Endothermic reactions feel cold. Ligand- A ligand is a molecule or ion stuck to the central atom in a complex. Precision- Precision is how repeatable a measurement is. Quantum theory- Quantum theory is the description of energy levels and the predictions about the behavior of atoms at specific energy levels. Synthesis- Synthesis is making a larger molecule from two or more atoms or smaller molecules. Thermodynamics- Thermodynamics is the study of energy. Volatile- Volatile refers to a substance that has a high vapor pressure. Electrolysis- When electricity is used to break apart a chemical compound. Gamma ray- A gamma ray is a high energy light given off during a nuclear process. Isotope- When an element has more than one possibility for the number of neutrons, these are called isotopes. Semiconductor- A semiconductor is a substance that conducts electricity poorly at room temperature, but has increasing conductivity at higher temperatures. Sublimation- Sublimation is when a solid can change directly into a gas. Enzyme- An enzyme is a biological molecule that catalyzes reactions in living creatures.

Chemical equation- A chemical equation is the recipe that describes what you need to do to make a reaction take place. Buffer- A buffer is a liquid that resists change in pH by the addition of acid or base

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