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The Catholic Study Bible: First Samuel 2:1 Now I, in turn, give him to the Lord; as long as he lives, he shall be dedicated to the Lord. She left him there; and as she worshipped the Lord, she said: My heart exults in the Lord, my horn is exalted in my God. In this example, the horn is a symbol of strength or pride. This is clear because of the verbiage used by the speaker, literally expressing her trust in God is held in a high regard.

2. The Catholic Study Bible: Psalm 75:5 So I say to the boastful: Do not boast! to the wicked do not raise your horns. In this example, the horn is a symbol or strength. To raise ones horns is to acclaim ones own power. Therefore, the speaker is insisting that the wicked do not raise their horns (assert their power) towards others.

3. New International Version (accessed at Joshua 6:4 Have seven priests carry trumpets of rams horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets. In this example, the horns are references to instruments, specifically trumpets. This is clear because the word trumpet is mentioned and the role of the priests blowing the trumpets is explained.

4. The Catholic Study Bible: First Kings 1:39 Then Zadok the priest took the horn of oil from the tent and anointed Solomon. They blew the horn and all the people shouted. In this example, the horn is used as container for oil. There is also an additional meaning of the word horn in this verse identifying the horn as a trumpet. Both instances are clearly stated and the meanings are obvious.

5. The Catholic Study Bible: Daniel 8:5 As I was reflecting, a he-goat with a prominent horn on its forehead suddenly came from the west across the whole earth without touching the ground. In this example, the horn refers to the literal horn of the he-goat mentioned. It is clear because the goat is mentioned and also that the horn is located on the forehead of the animal.

6. The Catholic Study Bible: Exodus 38:2 At the four corners horns were made that sprang directly from the altar. The whole was plated with bronze. In this example, the horns are elements at the corners of an altar. This is clear because the altar is mentioned in the verse and the placement and material of the horns is illustrated.

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