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Critiquing and Analyzing Art

1. Describe (just the facts)

a. What is made of/what was used?
b. What does it remind you of?
c. What Elements of Art do you see?

2. Analyze (just the facts)

a. How is the piece organized (where are the Elements
of Art)?
b. What Principles of Art are there?

3. Interpretation
a. What is the tone (feeling)?
b. Is there a particular meaning
c. Is there a particular function/purpose?
d. All the above questions are backed up by stated
items in steps 1 and 2.

4. Judgment
a. Is this a successful work of art compared to others in
the art world?
b. Is it unique/original?
c. What is your personal feeling towards it?
d. Would you want to own this?
e. Do you respect/understand it better based on steps
1, 2, and 3?

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