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Running head: SYLLABUS

Unit Five Syllabus Tonia Pfaff March 31, 2014 Kaplan University

SYLLABUS Complementary and Alternative Medicine Instructor: Tonia Pfaff

Course Description: This three session course will take place over a three-week period. Class will be Mondays at 6:30 pm and will last for ninety minutes each time. The course has been designed to give each student a greater understanding of complementary and alternative medicine. A short description of CAM in general will be discussed. Several CAM therapies will also be discussed in-depth. The class will include hands-on activities, videos, discussion and a question/answer portion and the end of each class.

Course Objective: The objective of this course is to provide an understanding of CAM therapies as they can be applied to each individuals health and wellness program. Students will be shown three specific CAM therapies and given information pertaining to each. Students will have the opportunity to experience some of these therapies during each session.

Session One: Introduction to CAM including a list of all-encompassing therapies. In-depth therapy discussed will be chiropractic care.

Session Two: Responses to unanswered questions from prior session. In-depth therapy discussed will be homeopathy.

SYLLABUS Session Three: Responses to unanswered question from prior session. In-depth therapy discussed will be Qi Gong.

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