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Rochelle Mathews


Program Director, Krupp Scout Day Camp
May 2013 August 2013 Rigby, ID Planned new activities for the diverse groups of campers attending for the summer. Lead the staff in reciting The Pledge of Allegiance every morning

Supervised the preparations for camp. Presented the rules and schedule to camp leaders every morning. Managed the staff members as they facilitated the camp activities. Assisted camp leaders with problems and first aid. Evaluated staff members and their performances and dealt with problems that arose over the summer.
June 2011 November 2011

IFROG Facilitator, Blue Heron Ropes Course

Franklin, IN

Guided teams, groups and families on ropes challenge courses. Organized specific activities for participating groups and needs Facilitated the team building experiences through individual and group leadership training and activities.
May 2006 August 2006

Targhee Ropes Course Facilitator, Targhee Ski Resort

Driggs, WY

Assisted different groups and teams as they participated in the high and low ropes course Facilitated participants when they wanted to use the zip-line Educated young groups about team work and the importance of confidence and leadership

Bachelors Recreation Management, BYU-Idaho
April 2014

Rexburg, ID Minor Studies in Humanities Experienced a month of desert living while learning new outdoor skills, including survival skills Toured Ghana, April 2013, with the Collegiate Singers of BYU-Idaho Received award for Outstanding Resource Management Student, 2013 Managed my limited time while attending school and continuing to be a mother to 3 young boys Chaperoned 50 high school seniors for a weekend of challenge courses, May 2011

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