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Early Childhood Fact Sheet- (3 Years- 5 Years)

Physical: Language: Begins phonological awareness Pronunciation of words become improved Uses simplified words in exchange for words unknown Walks up stairsdown stairs (Berk, L. E. (2013) Jumps and hops, flexing upper body (Berk, L. E. (2013) Can throw Can catch Can pedal and steer a bike Runs smoothly Can gallop and skip


Understands simple metaphors and sensory comparisons Learns conversational strategies Learns illocutionary intent Asks questions to better understand content Begins to understand chronological content

Representational activities Make believe plays Draws Begins to understand real-world symbols Begins to become familiar with schedules Communicates on a face-to-face level Begins to understand conservation Begins to understand cause and effect Sorts familiar objects into hierarchically organized categories (Berk, L. E. (2013)

Cultural: Social:

Begins to understand magical beings and events are not reality

Focuses more on physicalitys and punishments Understands moral behavior

Show signs of self-consciousness Understand cause and effect and consequences

Atypical Development Signs: Timid or Fearful Fights with other children Separation anxiety is high He has trouble eating, sleeping or using the toilet (Early Experiences. (U.K) Cannot correctly answer his first or last name Does not build towers with blocks Cannot hold, or is awkward holding writing utensils Has difficulty, or cannot maintain personal hygiene

Strategies to Influence Learning and Development: Continue to hug your child often and read together every day (Early Experiences. (U.K) Ask questions while reading Read simple stories Have conversations with your child and use new vocabulary Teach rhyming words and sing songs Encourage social interactions


Berk, L. E. (2013).Child development. (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Early Experiences. (U.K.) You are your childs first and best teacher: Milestones- 3 to 5 Years. Retrieved from

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