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Part I, Chapters IIIII

Summary: Chapter II Once the Lilliputians chain Gulliver to the building, he is finally allowed to stand up and view the entire countryside, which he discovers is beautiful and rustic. The tallest trees are seven feet tall, and the whole area looks to him like a theater set. Gulliver meticulously describes his process of relieving himself, which initially involves walking inside the building to the edge of his chain. After the first time, he makes sure to relieve himself in open air, and servants carry away his excrement in wheelbarrows. He says that he describes this process in order to establish his cleanliness, which has been called into question by his critics. The emperor visits on horseback from his tower. e orders his servants to give Gulliver food and drink. The emperor is dressed plainly and carries a sword to defend himself. e and Gulliver converse, though they cannot understand each other. Gulliver tries to speak every language he knows, but nothing works. After two hours, Gulliver is left with a group of soldiers guarding him. !ome of them, disobeying orders, try to shoot arrows at him. As a punishment, the brigadier ties up six of these offenders and places them in Gulliver"s hand. Gulliver puts five of them into his pocket and pretends that he is going to eat the sixth, but then cuts loose his ropes and sets him free. e does the same with the other five, which pleases the court. After two weeks, a bed is made for Gulliver. #t consists of $%% small beds sewn together. &ews of his arrival also spreads throughout the kingdom and curious people from the villages come to see him. 'eanwhile, the government tries to decide what to do with him. (re)uent councils bring up various concerns* that he will break loose, for instance, or that he will eat enough to cause a famine. !ome suggest that they starve him or shoot him in the face to kill him, but others argue that doing so would leave them with a giant corpse and a large health risk. Officers who witnessed Gulliver"s lenient treatment of the six offending soldiers report to the council, and the emperor and his court decide to respond with kindness. They arrange to deliver large amounts of food to Gulliver every morning, supply him with servants to wait on him, hire tailors to make him clothing, and offer teachers to instruct him in their language. +very morning Gulliver asks the emperor to set him free, but the emperor refuses, saying that Gulliver must be patient. The emperor also orders him to be searched to ensure that he does not have any weapons. Gulliver agrees to this search, and the Lilliputians take an inventory of his possessions. #n the process, all of his weapons are taken away. Summary: Chapter III Gulliver hopes to be set free, as he is getting along well with the Lilliputians and earning their trust. The emperor decides to entertain him with shows, including a performance by ,ope-.ancers, who are Lilliputians seeking employment in the government. (or the performance, which doubles as a sort of competitive entrance

examination, the candidates dance on /ropes01slender threads suspended two feet above the ground. 2hen a vacancy occurs, candidates petition the emperor to entertain him with a dance, and whoever 3umps the highest earns the office. The current ministers continue this practice as well, in order to show that they have not lost their skill. As another diversion for Gulliver, the emperor lays three silken threads of different colors on a table. e then holds out a stick, and candidates are asked to leap over it or creep under it. 2hoever shows the most dexterity wins one of the ribbons. Gulliver builds a platform from sticks and his handkerchief and invites horsemen to exercise upon it. The emperor greatly en3oys watching this new entertainment, but it is cut short when a horse steps through the handkerchief, after which Gulliver decides that it is too dangerous for them to keep riding on the cloth. !ome Lilliputians discover Gulliver"s hat, which washed ashore after him, and he asks them to bring it back. !oon after, the emperor asks Gulliver to pose like a colossus, or giant statue, so that his troops might march under Gulliver. Gulliver"s petitions for freedom are finally answered. Gulliver must swear to obey the articles put forth, which include stipulations that he must assist the Lilliputians in times of war, survey the land around them, help with construction, and deliver urgent messages. Gulliver agrees and his chains are removed. Analysis: Part I, Chapters IIIII #n these chapters, Gulliver learns more about Lilliputian culture, and the great difference in si4e between him and the Lilliputians is emphasi4ed by a number of examples, many of which are explicit satires of 5ritish government. (or instance, Lilliputian government officials are chosen by their skill at rope-dancing, which the Lilliputians see as relevant but which Gulliver recogni4es as arbitrary and ridiculous. The would-be officials are almost literally forced to 3ump through hoops in order to )ualify for their positions. Clearly, Swift intends for us to understand this episode as a satire of En land!s system of political appointments and to infer that En land!s system is similarly arbitrary. Gulliver, however, never suggests that he finds the Lilliputians ridiculous. Throughout the entire novel, Gulliver tends to be very sympathetic in his descriptions of the cultures he visits, never critici4ing them or finding anything funny, no matter how ludicrous certain customs seem to us. &or does Gulliver point out the similarities between the ridiculous practices he observes in his travels and the ridiculous customs of +urope. Instead, Swift lea"es us to infer all of the satire based on the difference between how thin s appear to us and how they appear to #ulli"er$ The difference in si4e between Gulliver and the Lilliputians helps to emphasi4e the importance of physical power, a theme that recurs throughout the novel. Over time, Gulliver begins to earn the Lilliputians" trust, but it is clearly unnecessary* for all their threats, Gulliver could crush the Lilliputians by simply walking carelessly. The humor comes from the Lilliputians" view of the situation* despite the evidence before their eyes, they never reali4e their own insignificance. %hey &eep #ulli"er tied up, belie"in that they can control him, while in truth he could destroy them

effortlessly$ In this way, Swift satiri'es humanity!s pretensions to power and si nificance. #n these chapters, !wift plays with language in a way that again pokes fun at humanity"s belief in its own importance. 2hen the Lilliputians draw up an inventory of Gulliver"s possessions, the whole endeavor is treated as if it were a serious matter of state. %he contrast between the tone of the in"entory, which is i"en in the (illiputians! own words, and the utter tri"iality of the possessions that are bein in"entoried, ser"es as a moc&ery of people who ta&e themsel"es too seriously. !imilarly, the articles that Gulliver is forced to sign in order to gain his freedom are couched in formal, self-important language. 5ut the document is nothing but a meaningless and self-contradictory piece of paper* each article emphasi'es the fact that #ulli"er is so powerful that, if he so desires, he could "iolate all of the articles without much concern for his own safety$

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