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The first step was to evaluate the currency of my information: Neither source is very up to date. Both are written in 1995. But at the same time i loved both sources enough to look past the currency. the currency rate was low but it was the only part that was low on both the sources.

Sierra Smith March 31, 2014

The next step was to evaluate the relevance of each source: i thought each source was very relevant to my research. Though i do favor thinking in pictures over autism an introduction to psychological theory.

my third step was to evelatuate the authority of my sources: Autism was a very good source written by an author that knew what they were taking about. i think Francesca happe gave good usable information. but tmeple grandin acutally has autism and wrote about her autism. that's one reason why i favor that source over the other one. simply because i think it's interesting to hear it from someone who lives with autism everyday.

My fourth step was to evaluate the accuracy of my sources: I believe both sources were reliable and gave information i could use for my research. especially thinking in picutres simply because she is writting about her own experiences.

my last step was to evaluate the purpose of my sources: i blieve that temple grandin's purpose for writing her book was to tell people more than just facts about autism. she gave her book a meaning and it was more than just facts and statistics. Autism is more of a book on facts and research information so the purpose would be to inform.

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