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Clayshod Johnson Mrs.

Jones English IV-3A 3/31/14

Senior Reflection Paper It was February of 2012 when I realized I was about to fail biology I. I had to complete a group project where most of the group didnt do anything. So I did most of the work myself and just turned in the project and accepted my grade. I received a 55F on the project which diminished my grade from a high B to a low F. I immediately panicked because the school year was coming to an end. I tried to pick up my grade by doing extra credit, retaking test and doing multiple assignments after school but nothing would work. Nothing would bring up my grade because of the different categories the assignments go in. The project grade was weighed the highest at 40 percent. It soon became May and I still had a 65F but I needed two more points in order to get a 67D and pass the class. The end of course test was going to be counted as an exam grade so I figured that would help me. After we took the test and our scores came back I still had the same grade and the EOC did not help me at all. I retook the class my junior year because of my lack of effort my sophomore year. From this high school moment in my life I learned that when you have group work to do and half the group doesnt help you should notify your teacher in order to inform her that you are working alone, so that you do not hurt your own grade. This is a lesson that I will never forget because it has also kept me from receiving TOPS because my core curriculum GPA is too low because of my sophomore year. This has impacted my life after high school dramatically because now I have to take out student loans in order to pay for college.

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