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Dear Editor:

Japan, by far one of the worlds most peace loving nation, has literally been shook. The earthquake, the tsunami, nuclear explosion and finally the wrath of exploding volcanoes makes one believe as to why God has been so unkind. A people well disciplined, respecting elders , loving Nature and generally peace loving do not deserve such a harsh treatment by God. The people, with their resilience and Godliness in them , will doubtless rise from the rubble, much like they did after the nuclear bombing with fierce nationalism, hard work and single minded focus. God is perhaps testing these good people like how we have read in our own puranas of how the Lord tests his most devout followers. We wish to solemnly empathise with Japan in this hour of great tragedy and devastation caused by nature`s fury. We do pray to God, the Almighty that He bestow upon those who have suffered the loss of the near and dear, the courage and fortitude to bear the loss. We do convey our sincere hope that Japan would soon recover and try to attain normalcy overcoming all the material and human losses and stand on its legs proudly. All our prayers and sincere wishes remain with Japan and its people in this hour of unprecedented crisis and havoc brought about by the elements of nature.

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