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Calorie needs have been established for 4 or 5 of the given scenarios. Student elaborates on 3 apps and 1 device.

Calorie needs have been established for 3 of the given scenarios. Student elaborates on 2 apps and 1 device.

Calorie needs have been established for 2 of the given scenarios. Student elaborates on 1 app and 1 device.

Calorie needs have been established for only 1 of the given scenarios. Student fails to elaborate on aps or device.

A paragraph is included demonstrating students full knowledge of what a calorie is and how it reacts.

A paragraph is included demonstrating partial understanding of what a calorie is and how it reacts.

A paragraph is included; however, very little knowledge of what a calorie is and how it reacts is demonstrated.

No paragraph is included.

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