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4/1/14 The end of everything is the beginning of something new. I have no citation to the source of this knowledge.

The universe does not meet the standards of the university. The humanity of humanity is all but humane. Someday the script will flip and well all become sane. Global consumption will consume us all. The NPV of technological progress is negative when there is no longer a market to sustain innovation. Political landscapes change with physical landscapes. Rah Rah riot gear is the newest, navy bluest, brutal fashion trend. Protectionism only lasts as long as the protected provide for their protectors. What to do when the money becomes worthless, when the food is in short supply? The status quo is a race to the bottom. When few have many and many have few we are close enough to look it in the eye. The face of the devil is that empty feeling in your belly. It is the ability to look past the starving. Its the self-centered nature of perpetual greed. Its not being able to connect with your fellow man. Its a superiority complex that justifies near full-scale suffering. Maybe we need to face our fear, to see this thing through, because as greed expands its likely to get to you. To all of us; until there is just one corporation with one lonely shareholder sitting atop a mountian of gold in his lofty tower. Why look down at the losers? How glorious the day when that lonely winner dies, and his control crumbles like the ashes of ancient times. Do we need the dark ages to feel the warmth of light? Are we not capable of escape when the devils grip is tight?

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