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Technology Integration Lesson A lesson created by Anna Hayes Comment: This lesson allows students to use personal, mobile

devices; if taught in a school where this is not allowed, the teacher should provide time for the students to work in the schools computer lab or check out school owned mobile devices. Activity Title: Kimono Math Grade Level: Fifth Grade Source: o Teacher Created Time: 45 Minutes

Purpose/Standards/Objectives Rationale: a. Students should be able to understand how to re-size fractions. Everyday problems exist that require finding a fraction of a fraction. One example of this is finding the price of an item that is an additional 20% off the sale price of a dress that has already been marked down 10% off. b. Students should be able to use communication tools such as a wiki to collaborate with others outside of the classroom. Understanding how to use a wiki is beneficial for future uses of communicating with others that are separated by large distances. ACOS Standards (adapted from Common Core)

Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations on whole numbers. Mathematics 15.) Interpret multiplication as scaling (resizing), by: [5-NF5] (2013) Grade(s): 5 a. Comparing the size of a product to the size of one factor on the basis of the size of the other factor, without performing the indicated multiplication. [5NF5a] 16.) Solve real-world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem. [5-NF6]

Mathematics (2013) Grade(s): 5

AOCS Technology Standard for grades 3-5 10.) Use digital environments to collaborate and communicate. Examples: publishing online journals, sharing presentations, contributing to online discussions, communicating with experts Producing digital works collaboratively Examples: developing shared writing projects and group multimedia projects

ISTE Standard 2. Communication and collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats

Objective: a. Each group of students will be able to work collaboratively demonstrating skills of work quality, working with others, problem-solving, time management and the ability to post their findings to the wiki.

Description Students will work together to solve a mathematical, high quality task and will communicate their thinking and solution to a college peer through the use of the classroom wiki. Over the following days, students will be allowed to check the wiki to evaluate what their peers have responded.

Activity Preparation/Tools and Resources Prior Knowledge a. Students will need to understand how to find a fraction from a whole. b. Students will need to understand how to use the classroom wiki in order to collaborate with their college peer. c. The classroom wiki is updated with the discussion question posted. d. Technology mediums are available either through student owned mobile devices, computers in the classroom, or mobile devices loaned from the school. e. Wireless connection is working and there is no interference. Materials

a. b. c. d.

Projector (Such as an ELMO) Picture of kimono (to display over ELMO projector; attached) Picture of word problem (to display over ELMO projector; attached) Badges (4 or 5 for each group) i. Badges will either read Recorder, Focus Keeper, Typer or Presenter. e. Rubric (created using Rubistar at ; attached) f. Classroom computers, student owned mobile devices, and/or mobile devices checked out from the school g. The classroom wiki: i. (this link may not work due to the fact that one has to be a member to access it) Activity Procedure Student Engagement a. Use the integration of culture/history (see below) to engage the students. The students will most likely have seen a kimono. This will activate prior knowledge in which the students can use to build connections within the content. Integration with Other Content a. Introduce a kimono to the students. Show the picture below on the projector:

i. 1. Image from IDw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoATge&biw=1708&bih=743&dpr=0.8#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=MgssYCuumHKstM% 44%3B576

b. Discuss shortly the history of the Kimono. i. Information should be gained from the following, credible website:

1. Connect to background knowledge a. Prepare the students for the lesson by connecting to their background knowledge. Ask them to use a sheet of a paper to draw a square and find 2/3 of that square. After this is completed, have them draw another square and find of that square. High Quality Task a. Read the problem below aloud. Be sure the problem is understood by asking if there are any questions or anything that needs to be clarified. i. Anna is choosing a kimono to wear to her friends wedding (her friend happens to be Japanese and Anna wants to fit in at the wedding). Anna has to choose between two kimonos. One kimono is blue and the other kimono is red. The blue kimono is on sale! It costs 2/3 of the original price. The red kimono is on sale too! It costs 1/3 of the sale price of the blue kimono. Which kimono is a better deal for Anna? What fraction of the original cost is the price of the red kimono? b. Once the problem is understood, have the students work in assigned groups to solve the problem. Each person in each group will have designated jobs to do; the jobs are listed below: 1. Recorder (records/draws the solution during solving) 2. Focus Keeper (keeps the focus on the problem) 3. Typer (Types the thinking and solution of the group on the wiki) 4. Presenter (Explains to the class the solution his or her group found and the suggestions from the college peer) c. The students will be instructed to solve the problem in two ways. First, through representations and second through equations. They have to prove their solution. d. Explain to the students that each group will post on the classs wiki their results. They will need to post within their assigned group or team under the Projects tab of the wiki. This is important because each group has their own, private page that can be accessed by only their group members and their assigned college peer. They will check their results the following day to see how their college peers (who are members of the wiki) have commented on their solution. e. Before students begin, make certain expectations are established. Below are some following expectations: 1. positively working with group members 2. each student does his or her own part within the group 3. students will lower their voices when the teacher signals the noise level is too loud (this can be done by turning off the lights) f. Make certain the students understand the expectations by having a student or students explain them again in their own words. Also have a student explain the directions of the activity.

g. Once the students are allowed to begin working, the teacher facilitates while the students work in groups. i. The teacher will listen actively to group members. ii. The teacher will guide students using appropriate questioning strategies. Differentiated Instruction (occurs during group work) a. Differentiated instruction will be given throughout the lesson as the teacher will facilitate the group work. While the teacher is facilitating, he or she will ask struggling students questions that point out their next step while asking gifted students to defend their thinking. Questioning Strategies (occurs during group work) a. How are you going to tackle the problem? (for a struggling student) b. What part of the problem will you need to do first? (for a struggling student) c. What do you think 1/3 of 2/3 means?(for a gifted student) d. How can you prove that your answer is correct? (for a gifted student) Discussion/ Explain (this will take place the following week after groups have reviewed the responses of their college peers) a. Promote a mathematical community by allowing each group to present their solution, the suggestions of their college aged peer and any revisions that were made due to those suggestions. b. The teacher will summarize that the red kimono is a better deal since 1/3 of 2/3 is a smaller fraction of the price than 2/3 of the price. He or she can also explain that 1/3 X 2/3 is showing 1/3 of 2/3 as can be seen in a representation of the problem. c. The teacher will explain how the fraction of the original cost for the red kimono is 2/9. He or she will connect the representation with the equation 1/3 X 2/3 = 2/9.

Elaboration a. Pose the following questions to the discussion page on the wiki and allow students to respond individually for elaboration. i. Ask students, Why were equations invented? ii. Ask students, What could happen if you know how to solve an equation, but you do not understand what that equation represents? iii. Ask for students to pose a problematic situation in which they would need to multiply fractions to find a fraction of another fraction. Have them post this to the discussion board as well. Assessment a. Assessing objective: i. Objective being assessed:


a. Each group of students will be able to work collaboratively demonstrating skills of work quality, working with others, problem-solving, time management and the ability to post their findings to the wiki. The teacher will use a rubric to assess each student on their collaborative skills and whether or not his or her group was able to correctly post to the wiki. The rubric is attached.

Collaborative Work Skills : Working Together to Solve and Post to the Wiki
Teacher Name: Ms. Hayes

Student Name: ________________________________________


highest quality.


occasionally needs to be checked/redone by other group members to ensure quality. Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others, but sometimes is not a good team member.

Provides work that usually needs to be checked/redone by others to ensure quality.

Quality of Work Provides work of the Provides high quality Provides work that

Working with Others

Almost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Tries to keep people working well together. and suggests solutions to problems.

Usually listens to, shares, with, and supports the efforts of others. Does not cause \"waves\" in the group.

Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Often is not a good team player. Does not try to solve problems or help others solve problems. Lets others do the work.

Problem-solving Actively looks for

Refines solutions Does not suggest or suggested by others. refine solutions, but is willing to try out solutions suggested by others.


Routinely uses time well throughout the project to ensure things get done on time. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person\'s procrastination. The post was made to the wiki in a timely fashion and the students communicated successfully their thoughts on the project.

Usually uses time well throughout the project, but may have procrastinated on one thing. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person\'s procrastination.

Tends to procrastinate, but always gets things done by the deadlines. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person\'s procrastination.

Rarely gets things done by the deadlines AND group has to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person\'s inadequate time management.

Post to Wiki

The post to the wiki The post on the wiki did not make sense. was not on time. The group did not communicate their thinking successfully.

There was not a post on the wiki.

Anna is choosing a kimono to wear to her friends wedding (her friend happens to be Japanese and Anna wants to fit in at the wedding). Anna has to choose between two kimonos. One kimono is blue and the other kimono is red. The blue kimono is on sale! It costs 2/3 of the original price. The red kimono is on sale too! It costs 1/3 of the sale price of the blue kimono. Which kimono is a better deal for Anna? What fraction of the original cost is the price of the red kimono?

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