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Assessment Plan

Entry-Level Formative Summative

Quick-Write: What defines a person as good or bad? Where do the criteria we use come from? Timeline: Start keeping a timeline of instances where Victors Creature interacts with people. Record a brief summary of the occurrence and cite the page number(s). *Hang on to this until the end of our unit so you can continue adding to it as we progress. Quiz: Comprehension of events, knowledge of characters, and understanding of literary devices at work in the book Small Group Discussion: Discuss the interaction between the Creature and Mr. De Lacey. Use this time to consider how the book addresses problems of the visual and how this informs us about human compassion. Debate: Split students into teams, they will be given time to organize their arguments for a debate on whether Victor is trying to play God or trying to play mother. Research Paper: Compose a 4-5 page paper that explores an important theme in Frankenstein. This can be on identity, alterity, free will, gender, etc. Mock Trial: Students will participate in a mock trial that determines the fate of Frankensteins Creature.

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