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SANTOS vs CA 240 SCRA 20, January 4, 1995 (En Banc), J. Vi u!

FACTS OF THE CASE: Plaintiff Leouel Santos married defendant Julia Bedia on September 20 !"#$% On &a' !# !"## Julia left for t(e )%S% S(e did not *ommuni*ate +it( Leouel and did not return to t(e *ountr'% ,n!""! Leoul filed +it( t(e -TC of .e/ros Oriental a *omplaint for 0oidin/ t(e marria/e under Arti*le 1$ of t(e Famil' Code of t(e P(ilippines% T(e -TC dismissed t(e *omplaint and t(e CA affirmed t(e dismissal% ,SS)E: 2oes t(e failure of Julia to return (ome or at t(e 0er' least to *ommuni*ate +it( (im for more t(an fi0e 'ears *onstitute ps'*(olo/i*al in*apa*it'3 -)L,.4: .o t(e failure of Julia to return (ome or to *ommuni*ate +it( (er (usband Leouel for more t(an fi0e 'ears does not *onstitute ps'*(olo/i*al in*apa*it'% Ps'*(olo/i*al in*apa*it' must be *(ara*teri5ed b' 6a7 4-A8,T9 6b7 J)-,2,CALA.TECE2E.CE 6*7 ,.C)-AB,L,T9 Ps'*(olo/i*al in*apa*it' s(ould refer to no less t(an a mental 6not p('si*al7 in*apa*it' t(at *auses a part' to be trul' in *o/niti0e of t(e basi* marital *o0enants t(at *on*omitantl' must be assumed and dis*(ar/ed b' t(e parties to t(e marria/e +(i*( as so e:pressed b' Art% $# of t(e Famil' Code in*lude t(eir mutual obli/ations to li0e to/et(er obser0e lo0e respe*t and fidelit' and render (elp and support% T(e intendment of t(e la+ (as been to *onfine t(e meanin/ of ;PS9CHOLO4,CAL,.CAPAC,T9< to t(e mot serious *ases of personalit' disorders *learl' demonstrati0e of an utter insensiti0it' or inabilit' to /i0e meanin/ and si/nifi*an*e to t(e marria/e% T(is ps'*(olo/i*al *ondition must e:ist at t(e time t(e marria/e is *elebrated% )ndeniabl' and understandabl' Leouel stands a//rie0ed e0en desperate in (is present situation% -e/rettabl' neit(er la+ nor so*iet' itself *an al+a's pro0ide all t(e spe*ifi* ans+ers to e0er' indi0idual problem PET,T,O. ,S 2E.,E2%

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