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Parks and Public Spaces Committee

Neighborhood Parks and Public Spaces Survey (part 1 of 2) 1. What parks do you use most frequently or are of key interest to you? Name of Park/Location: Describe your use or interest:

2. What parks do you feel are in need of maintenance? Name of Park/Location: Describe the problem(s):

3. What parks do you feel are not accessible or are unsafe? Name of Park/Location: Comments:

4. Do you use the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway North End Parks? (circle one) Yes No Not often 5. Your comments about the Greenways North End Parks?

Neighborhood Parks and Public Spaces Survey (part 2 of 2)

6. Are you interested in other neighborhood public spaces, and what is your interest or concern? Public Sidewalks?

Waterfront and Harborwalk?

Publicly-Owned Parking Lots?

Vacant Lots?

Specific Recreational Facilities? (such as the Commercial Street tennis courts)

Other Areas?

Send completed form to: NEWRA, P.O. Box 130319, Boston, MA 02113 or email to

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