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Monday Objective: SW understand the numbers 100-900, refer to 1-9 hundreds. 2.NBT.1.

b SW read and write numbers to 100 using base ten numbers 2.NBT.3 Target Standard: 2.NBT.3 Numbers can be represented in many ways using our base ten system. Essential Question: How can numbers be represented? Materials: Teachers guide pg cc53, students pg 72-76, base ten blocks, ELMO, stickers Procedure: Unit 6 5.A.2 Stickers: How many hundreds, tens, ones? Test questions review on ELMO (Which picture is shaded?). Activity: Writing numbers above 200 Worksheet. Go over answers as class, having one student bring up worksheet and display on ELMO while explaining. Activity: How many stickers; hundreds, tens, ones? Have one student bring up worksheet and display on ELMO and explaining answers. Activity: How many stickers? Go over whole group while teacher answers questions displayed on ELMO. Review essential question for the day and discuss. Session follow up: Daily Practice and Homework. Closure/wrap up/discuss. Assessment: Teacher observations/ essential question

Tuesday Objective: SW understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones. 2.NBT.1 SW understand the numbers 100-900 refer to 1-9 hundreds. 2.NBT. 1b SW read and write numbers to 1000 using base ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. 2.NBT.3 Target Standard: 2.NBT.3 Numbers can be represented in many ways using base ten system. Essential Question: How can numbers be represented? Materials: Teachers guide pg cc60, students pgs 75-77, number cubes, chart paper Procedures: Unit 6 How many hundreds? Discussion: How many hundreds? Review problems on board and discuss different ways to solve equation. Activity: Introducing plus or minus 10 or 100. Go over worksheet whole group on ELMO. Math workshop: working with 3 digit numbers. SW break up into pairs and complete math workshop activity. Guess my number? Each student decides on a number and partner must ask yes/no questions to eliminate numbers until they guess correctly (is your number less than 500?) Session follow up: Daily Practice and Homework. Closure/wrap up/discuss Assessment: Teacher observations

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