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Aches and Pains

(meeting 9)

Kompetensi Dasar
Mahasiswa dapat memahami parts of the body Mahasiswa memahami kosakata-kosakata yang berhubungan dengan aches and pains Mahasiswa dapat membedakan antara aches and pains as noun dengan aches and pains as verb Mahasiswa mampu membuat kalimat yang berhubungan dengan aches and pains dengan benar sesuai dengan tenses kalimat yang diminta

A pain An ache A bruise A rash A bite A stiff

A cut A scar A swelling A sting A sprained A sore

Aches and pains as verb


ache To hurt To throb To itch To irritate

I have (Ive got) a pain in my chest. He has (Hes got) a pain in his stomach. Amanda has got a sting in her neck. They have cut in their hands. Mark has got a sprained in his leg.

Anns arm aches. My fathers knee hurts. Two days ago his eyes irritated. Nobody knows why its tail hurts. His right knee itches.

sore eyes sore throat sore mouth stomachache toothache headache heart-attack

Arrange them in English.

1. Tangan kirinya gatal. 2. Kaki kanan Ahmad keseleo. 3. Kemarin pelipisnya memar. 4. Bayi itu berruam pada punggungnya. 5.Jempol tangan kanan adik saya terluka iris. 6. Mata saya iritasi. 7. Dua hari yang lalu, ibu sakit tenggorokan.

8. Ayah saya sakit jantung. 9. Lengan adik perempuan saya pegal. 10. Kedua telapak kaki anak itu gatal. 11. Pasien itu pundak kanannya nyeri. 12. Pergelangan tangan pasien itu terdapat luka gigit.

Answer the following questions based on the video playing

1. Who is the presenter? 2. What program is she presented? 3. What is the main topic presented? 4. Where is the injured fingers treated? 5. Who is Dr. Martin Brown?

Answer the following questions based on the video playing

6. What is laceration? 7. What a patient should do with a shallow wound? 8. What is a venous bleeding? 9. What we should do to stop venous bleeding? 10. What can a patient do to reduce the loss of blood.

Answer the following questions based on the video playing

11. What is the sign of arterial bleeding? 12. What should we do to prevent from infection? 13. Why should a cut be covered with clean, dry bandage? 14. What are the signs of a tetanus? 15. What can we do to prevent us from tetanus?

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