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Othello begins with Iago letting us know that he hates Othello and yet Othello considers him a friend.

Can you think of a modern day instance where someone was thought to be a friend and were not true friend due to jealousy, envy or greed. At this point in the play, what advice would you give Othello? Why? How will you convince him to listen to you? In 8th grade, I knew these two friends who I thought were extremely close. They went places together and always talked. One of the boys parents were rich and the other wasnt. Over time, the two grew apart because every time the two were together, they would argue because the not so lucky one was extremely jealous of the rich one. The richer one didnt catch on that the other was envious. He just thought his friend was going through problems. It got to a point the not so lucky one started stealing from the friend unknowingly. In the end, they stopped being friends. Advice I would give Othello at this point is to stop letting Iago buck his head up with those lies. He has been leading him on for the longest. I would do this because the way things are heading, someone will get hurt; either physically or emotionally. I would convince him by sitting him down with Iago, Cassio, and Desdemona. With everyone present, all this drama could be squashed.

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