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irregular verbs) 1) Became 2) Talked 3) Rescued (rescat) 4) Was climbing 5) Fell 6) Screamed (chillaron) 7) Were watching / watched 8) Carried 9) Was holding (estaba agarrada) 10) Was filming 11) Was happening Exercise 2: 1) Was tidying / was having 2) When did he call? 3) Was waiting / rang 4) Were having (porque est indicando la hora) 5) Finished / went out (indica dos acciones que se sucedieron una detrs de la otra) 6) Was playing / started 7) Were watching / was Reading 8) Was making / went out (accin que interrumpe a otra que est en proceso) 9) Were driving / broke down 10) Put on / grabbed (agarrar, coger) /left (cuando sean acciones que se suceden una tras otra en el pasado se emplea el PASADO SIMPLE) Exercise 3: 3) Were you doing your homework at 5 0clock yesterday afternoon? (est dando una hora determinada por tanto hay que emplear el pasado continuo para una accin en progreso) 4) Did you visit your grandparents last Sunday? (solo dice LAST SUNDAY por tanto PAST SIMPLE) 5) Were you talking on the phone at lunchtime yesterday? (LUNCHTIME aunque no lo parezca es una hora, por tanto hay que emplear el PAST CONTINUOUS) 6) Did you watch TV yesterday afternoon? 7) Did your friends play basketball yesterday? 8) What were you doing at three oclock yesterday afternoon? Exercise 4: 1) When I left school yesterday, it started to rain / my mum was waiting for me on the main door. 2) At 8 oclock yesterday morning, I was having a shower / I was getting dressed / I was having breakfast 3) Last summer, we went to London and we visited the Big Ben and the British Museum. 4) I was reading a book while my brother was playing the guitar /was listening to music 5) I was having lunch when my mum arrived from work. / I was having a walk when I bumped into your brother. 6) Last weekend, my brother got married. / Last weekend, my team won the cup. Exercise 5: 2) was 3) went 4) was sitting 5) visited 6) saw 7) was 8) was

9) is 10) made 11) was 12) had 13) did it happen? 14) Were both riding 15) Stopped

16) Fell off 17) Broke 18) Talk 19) Do you ride (nowadays hoy en da, en la actualidad) 20) Stopped 21) moved

Exercise 6: LUCY 2) broke into: entrar a robar 3) was 4) was working 5) did you see 6) was typing 7) heard 8) ran 9) happened 10) looked 11) saw BURGLAR ladrn de casas 12) was trying 13) did you do 14) called Exercise 7: PETER A) 1) decided 2) was 3) was blowing (estaba soplando) 4) wasnt (el verbo TO BE NO tiene auxiliar, l funciona como auxiliar) 5) was not 6) couldnt take 7) decided 8) was walking 9) heard (crash of thunder un trueno) 10) looked 11) saw 12) was approaching (se estaba aproximando) 13) ran 14) made 15) called 16) spent 17) was raining B) 1) decided 2) it was snowing 3) was 4) was 5) were walking 6) tripped (tropez) 7) fell 8) was trying 9) slipped (resbalar) 10) landed 11) took them (les llev) 12) were walking 13) laughed 14) agreed (estuvo de acuerdo)

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