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The civilization can learn a lot from the rule of Augustus Caesar. Augustus Caesar was a great ruler.

He made multiple different things to make all his people happy, even the slaves. He created different projects to give jobs to the poor and homeless. He also made laws to narrow the use of slavery to a minimal amount, He halted the extensive use of slavery in rural areas and provided jobs for poor people by passing a measure requiring that a third of the ranch laborers be Roman citizens. (Frey). Augustus has taught me many things that I will incorporate into my civilization. There are many different political points in a civilization that people could take from Julius Caesars rule. Caesar was a great leader of Rome, but he never took the title of ruler or dictator. He created a law that most slavery was halted, and created projects to give jobs to the poor. He halted the extensive use of slavery in rural areas and provided jobs for poor people by passing a measure requiring that a third of the ranch laborers be Roman citizens. (frey 17). The city of Balakia will have one secret ruler, me, but the people will think that the Elders rule. I will make projects for the poor and do many things like him. Caesar had a great rule, until he was murdered.

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