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Alexiss Jenkins

Ms.Faher 3/20/14

Life Beyond What You Can See and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (New Testament, John 8:32) is an important quote from the bible. Believing what others say instead of focusing on the facts and looking for the truth is like constantly getting lost in a maze that youve seen before. In To Kill A Mockingbird many people in the south were racist and judgmental, especially in Maycomb County. No matter what the truth was, or how much evidence you had, it couldnt help someone who was already guilty in a white mans eyes. Although, life viewed from a childs eyes are different from what we see and for some worst. From an early age, prejudice, racism, and different point of views and opinions influence life viewed from a childs eyes that can attack the childs mind and interfere with their thoughts, causing them to see this world differently than God intended. From an early age, prejudices can affect children and the way they think and view things. you gonna take that back, boy? you gotta make me first! My folks said your daddy was a disgrace an that nigger oughta hang from the water-tank! . (Harper,102) Cecil Jacobs was very prejudice but he didnt become like that on his own. As we can see the way his parents acted and viewed others reflected on him and played a major part in him being prejudice. Racism is extremely still presented today. Adults, teens, even children face and experience it all the time. It was just him I couldnt stand.-- That old Mr. Gilmer doin him thataway, talking so hateful to him Mr.Finch didnt act that way to Mayella and old man Ewell The way that old man called him boy all the time an sneered at him--. (Harper, 265) Atticus case for Tom Robinson had a big effect on the kids. The fact that people could disrespect one another because of their skin color and race while other people just sat back and

Alexiss Jenkins
Ms.Faher 3/20/14

Life Beyond What You Can See watched or joined in and thought it was okay affected Dill, Scout, and Jem. Parents and people didnt realize how badly a child could feel because of it. Children are extremely smart. They pick up actions and ways that their parents or other people around them interact with each other. Some are better but others can be worse. The way they see different viewpoints and opinions can contribute a lot. Yes sir, I understand. Mr. Tate was right Itd be sort of like shootin a mockingbird. (Harper, 370) This was a good example whereas Atticus raised his children right and let them see all the views from others. He never did or said anything that could or would later contradict or harm his children or anyone of the matter, from seeing and knowing the truth. In conclusion, children view life differently from adults. Whether it is prejudice, racism, or different point of views and opinions that attack and change their way of thinking, it can cause them to see everything in life in a whole different perspective. From an early age when you think of it, it can harm the child in ways that you would have to experience yourself, and that is why it is important that we act in a respective manner so that when children observe us they learn positive ways that they can imitate when they are older.

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