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3-2-1 Genius Hour

(First 5 Minutes of Genius Hour) One Minute Get into groups Two Minutes: Group Discussion Discuss with your group and who will share what parts of your presentation.

Week 3

Three Minutes: Todays Tasks/Goals What are your tasks/goals for today?

(Last 5 Minutes of Genius Hour) One Minute: Circle One Self-Assessment How do you think you did today with staying on task? (See Self-Assessment Below and Circle One) Two Minutes: Self-Assessment Explanation Please Explain why you rated yourself a 4, 3, 2, or 1. Be Specific! I rated myself a ______ . I feel this way because Three Minutes: Goals Was I successful in meeting my goals for the hour? Please explain why or why not? I was/was not successful in meeting my goals for the hour because

4, 3, 2, 1

Self-Assessment: 4: ALL of my Genius hour was used efficiently and focused on the task at hand. A great amount of progress was made. 3: MOST of my Genius Hour was used efficiently and focused on the task at hand. A good amount progress was made. 2: SOME of my Genius Hour was used efficiently and focused on the task at hand. A small amount of progress was made. 1: LITTLE of my Genius Hour was used efficiently and I hardly focused on the task at hand. Little progress was made.

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